名前 / ファイル | ライセンス | アクション |
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Item type | 紀要論文01 / Departmental Bulletin Original Article(1) | |||||
公開日 | 2019-03-22 | |||||
タイトル | ||||||
タイトル | 発生生態の解明と実用的識別法に基づくイネ科水田雑草の制御戦略に関する研究 | |||||
タイトル | ||||||
タイトル | Control Strategy for Noxious Gramineous Weed Species Based on Studies on Emergence Ecology and Establishment of Practical Identification Methods | |||||
言語 | en | |||||
言語 | ||||||
言語 | jpn | |||||
キーワード | ||||||
主題Scheme | Other | |||||
主題 | イネ科雑草 | |||||
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主題Scheme | Other | |||||
主題 | 温暖化 | |||||
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主題Scheme | Other | |||||
主題 | 加重型有効積算気温 | |||||
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主題Scheme | Other | |||||
主題 | 葉齢進展 | |||||
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主題Scheme | Other | |||||
主題 | コヒメビエ | |||||
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主題Scheme | Other | |||||
主題 | カズノコグサ | |||||
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主題Scheme | Other | |||||
主題 | 識別法 | |||||
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主題Scheme | Other | |||||
主題 | 野生ヒエ | |||||
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言語 | en | |||||
主題Scheme | Other | |||||
主題 | accumulated efficient air temperature | |||||
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言語 | en | |||||
主題Scheme | Other | |||||
主題 | Beckmannia syzigachne | |||||
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言語 | en | |||||
主題Scheme | Other | |||||
主題 | Echinochloa colonum | |||||
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言語 | en | |||||
主題Scheme | Other | |||||
主題 | Echinochloa spp | |||||
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言語 | en | |||||
主題Scheme | Other | |||||
主題 | Gramineous weeds | |||||
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言語 | en | |||||
主題Scheme | Other | |||||
主題 | key for species identification | |||||
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言語 | en | |||||
主題Scheme | Other | |||||
主題 | leaf emergence | |||||
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言語 | en | |||||
主題Scheme | Other | |||||
主題 | warming | |||||
資源タイプ | ||||||
資源タイプ識別子 | http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_6501 | |||||
資源タイプ | departmental bulletin paper | |||||
ID登録 | ||||||
ID登録 | 10.24514/00001938 | |||||
ID登録タイプ | JaLC | |||||
著者 |
森田, 弘彦
× 森田, 弘彦 |
抄録 | ||||||
内容記述タイプ | Abstract | |||||
内容記述 | Gramineous species (family Gramineae) are noxious weeds that commonly infest paddy fields in Japan. Herbicides used against these weeds require high species selectivity to prevent the removal of desirable paddy fields crops rice (Oryza sativa L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) which belong to the same family. The identification of Gramineous species is problematic, especially during their early growth stages due to an abscence of distingushing morphological characteristics such as panicles and spikelets. However, herbicide treatments are known to be more effective if applied during the early growth stages. Clearly, the accurate identification of target weed species (such as Echinochloa spp.) and knowledge of leaf emergence timing are important factors that influence the efficacy of herbicide treatments. In this study, a control stratgy for Gramineous weed species that commonly affect paddy fields in Japan is presented. This control strategy is based on studies of emergence ecology and the development of practical methods for accurately identifying noxious Gramineous wee species. 1. A method for predicting leaf emergence and establishment of Echinochloa spp. based on air temperature. 1) Leaf emergence in Echinochloa spp. and Scirpus juncoides var. ohwianus was predicted based on the accumulated efficient air temperature by measuring weighted temperature at hourly intervals. A method for predicting leaf emergence of Gramineous weeds based on the measurement of accumulated efficient air temperature at hourly intervals was developed as an index of leaf emergence in Echinochloa oryzicola Vasing., E.crus-galli P.Beauv. var. crus-galli, E.crus-galli P.Beauv. var. formosensis Ohwi, and Scirpus juncoides Roxb. var. ohwianus T.Koyama. Leaf emergence for these species is known to be an importnat factor affecting the efficacy of herbicide use in paddy fields. (1) The emergence rates of the second leaves of E. oryzicola, E.crus-galli var. crus-galli, E. crus-galli var. formosensis and Scirpus juncoides var. ohwianus were measured in an illuminated incubator over a temperature range from 12 to 36℃ at intervals of 3℃. The increase in leaf length at each of the growth temperatures was measuerd at 24-hour intervals and expressed relative to the initial size of leaves grown over the temperature range from 12 to 36℃. Data obtained for the four species were expressed in air temperature (ε) increments of 0.1℃ following the treatment of the data with a Spline Interpolation tecniquue. (2) Accumulated efficient air temperature (Σε) was calculated during the period from emergence to the 1.5 leaf stage and from the 1.5 to 2.0 leaf stage for seedlings of the four species that were grown in 3.8 L pots under natural conditions at Kyushu National Agricultural Experiment Station in 1990. The seedlings emerged over a time period corrsponding to seven different puddling times. The coefficient of variation (C.V.) of the Σε values obtained for the seven puddling times was less than that obtained for days (Σ day) for all four species. The C.V. of the Σε values was also less than that obtained for the accumulated daily mean air temperature (ΣT) and the accumulated daily mean air temperature minus 10℃ (Σ (T-10)) with the exception of only few cases. (3) The C.V. obtained for Σε over the period from puddling time to the 1.5 leaf stage and from the 1.5 to 2.0 leaf stage for E. crus-galli var. jormosensis observed in the paddy fields of Kyushu National Agricultural Experiment Station in 1991 was less than that of other accumulated temperatures and the mean value obtained for Σε was found to be similar to that obtained in 1990. (4) Since the Σε values remained constant between both puddling times and years, they could be used as a parameters for determining accumulated efficient air temperature and also diurnal variations in air temperature for of E. oryzicola, E. crus-galli var. crus-galli, E. crus-galli var. formosensis and Scirpus juncoides var. ohwianus. 2) Emergence pattern of Echinochloa crus-gallii P.Beauv. var. praticola Ohwi and estimation of the appropreate herbicide application times for the Kanto region. The appropreate time for applying herbicides prior to irrigation was determined based on the estimated leaf stages of E. crus-galli var. praticola and using the data obtained for accumulated efficient air temperature in dry sown paddy fields over the period from 1994 to 1997 at Shintone in Ibaraki Prefecture. (1) E. crus-galli var. praticola, a weed species that commonly occures in these fields, was found to emerge from a shallower soil depth and grew more rapidly in fields that had not been tilled. A simple linear regression was carried out between the maximum leaf stage (Y) at (n) days after sowing and the accumulated efficient air temperature (Σε : X ) at (n-1) days after sowing for tilled and untilled fields. The values of the Σε needed to one to five leaf stages from sowing or ploughing date were calculated by the linear regression. (2) Using the data of air temperature data recorded over the period from 1990 to 1994 at Ryugasaki, near Shintone, Σε values were averaged between year in cases where the air temperature fluctuated from +3℃ to -3℃ with respect to the annual average. Based on the Σε values obtained from this analysis, the appropreate application times for the liquid formulation of thiobencarb + DCPA, for which applying at two to three leaf stages of Echinochloa spp. was recommended and for the liquid formulation of cyhalofop - butyl + bentazon applicable at four to five leaf stages of Echinochloa spp., were determined. A multiple regression between daily mean air temperature (X_1 : ℃) and diurnal temperature range (X_2 : ℃) gave the result, Y = 0.00211X_1 + 0.00014X_2 - 0.2154 (R^2 = 0.932), which was used to obtain the approximate value for Σε per day. 3) Morphological characteristics of the spikelets and panicles of Echinochloa colonum (L.) Link.. Jungle rice, Echinochloa colonum (L.) Link. occurred in the fallow paddy fields and levees in the Kumamoto and Miyazaki Prefectures of Kyushu, Japan. To develop methods for accurately identifying jungle rice, several morphological characteristics were analyzed compared with E. crus-galli (L.) Beauv. var. praticola Ohwi. To account for the absence of jungle rice populations during the winter months in the Kyushu area, based on the results of freezing experiments, daily minimum air temperature variation was surveyed at 114 locations in the Kyushu area. (1) Spikelet lengths of jungle rice accessions collected from Tamana, Kumamoto Prefecture and Sadowara, Miyazaki Prefecture ranged from 2.5 mm to 2.6 mm. These spikelets were longer than those from plants acquired from Thailand and raised in Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture and had similar lengths to those of E. crus-galli var. praticola collected from Chikugo, in Fukuoka Prefecture. Jungle rice samples collected from Tamana and Sadowara were characterized a 58% to 62% covering of the spikelet with the first glume. The ratio of panicle length to the lowest rachis-branch exceeded 3.2 for jungle rice collected from Tamana and Sadowara, and less than 3.2 for E. crus-galli var. praticola collected from Chikugo. (2) The percentage of germinating seedlings decreased to 1.5% to 3.4% for seeds frozen at a soil moisture rate of 50%, but was not significantly affected at moisture rate of 0% and 10%, following a -5℃ freezing treatment for six hours per day for one to three days. Treatment of the seeds at -5℃ for three to six hours per day for one to four day period was found to completely inhibit jungle rice seed germination. (3) The total number of days during which the minimum air temperature fell below -5℃ was determined at 114 locations during the period from November to March over the years from 1988 to 1992. These locations were considered to be unsuitable for the establishment of jungle rice due to the suppression of seed germination. Based on the results from the freezing experiments, the germination of jungle rice was found to be inhibited when the total number of days below -5℃ exceeded four per year, according to the histrical temperature data. These results suggested 32 locations in or around the Kyushu and Chikushi mountains where jungle rice could not survive. At the other 82 locations, this species could potentially survive. When the daily minimum air temperature increased by 1℃ during the winter season, the number of locations where jungle rice could potentially survive was found to increase from 82 to 89. 4) Investigation of the effect of temperature on the rate of leaf emergence in jungle rice (Echinochloa colonum Link.) . Jungle rice, Echinochloa colonum Link. is one of a noxious tropical and sub-tropical weed that could become more widely distributed due to environmental warming. Predicting the growth pattern of introduced weed species under the influence of increasing environmental temperature provides useful information for the prediction of effective control methods. The effect of temperature on leaf emergence was studied using the method of accumulated efficient air temperature by measuring the weighted temperature at hourly intervals (Σε) as described above. (1) Efficient units for leaf emergence of E. colonum in air temperature increments (ε) of 0.1℃ were obtained by the same method as for E. oryzicola. No significant differences in the emergence rates of the second leaves of the five jungle rice accessions were detected at 30℃ and 18℃. (2) The Σε values obtained for the different leaf stages were determined for E. colonum and E. oryzicola. Using the air temperature data collected over a five-year period at Chikugo, in Fukuoka Prefecture, accelerated leaf emergence was predicted to result from an annual average increase in air temperature between 1℃ and 4℃. A temperature increase in this range was predicted to cause second leaf emergence to occur 32 hours earlier if seedlings emerged on the 20 June and 114 hours earlier if they emerged on 20 April. 2. Key for identifying Gramineous perennial weed species based on leaf morphology and frequency of infestation in paddy fields at Yachiyo, in Chiba Prefecture. In recent years, infestations of perennial Gramineous weeds have become a serious problem in the paddy fields of Japan. In general, the identification of Gramineous species during the early growth stages is problematic due to the absence of distingushing morphological characteristics such as panicles and spiclets. In order to establish effective methods for the control of these noxoius weeds, convenient keys for identification, distribution and susceptibility to herbicide are reqired. (1) Samples of perennial Gramineous weeds collected from paddy fields of Japan, were identified as Leersia japonica Makino, Leersia sayanuka Ohwi, Agrostis stolonifera L., Glyceria depauperta Ohwi, Glyceria ischyroneura Steud., Glyceria acutiflora Torr., Cynodon dactylon Pers., Isachne globosa O.Kuntze, Paspalum distihcum L., including P. distichum L. var. indutum Shinners and Leersia oryzoides Sw.. P. distihcum and L. oryzoides have been known as noxious weeds since the 19070s. Keys for the correct identification based on morphological characteristics of the leaf blade and leaf sheath were produced for 11 species of perennial Gramineous weeds. An information sheet containing the keys and including colored photographs of each species was produced for distribution to farmers and agricultural technicians. (2) In the paddy fields of Yachiyo, Chiba Prefecture, infestations of Leersia japonica, L. sayanuka and Agrostis stolonifera were observed after harvesting. The percentage of paddy fields that were severely infested by L. japonica was greater for those fields that were dry-sown. Infestation of L. sayanuka and A. stolonifera was not common when compared with L. japonica, in paddy fields that were sown directly. (3) The herbicide cyhalofop-butyl was found to have a 60 to 90% success rate in reducing the number of plants. This compound also caused a 96% reduction in dry weight (compared to control plants) for Paspalum distihcum when applied at the 3.1 to 4.9 leaf stage and 4.8 to 6.6 leaf stage of re-grown shoots under submerged conditions. A. stolonifera was found to be susceptible to cyhalofop-butyl at both stages of re-growth. However, this herbicide was found to be ineffective against L. japonica. 3. Development of identification methods and assessment of the role of mesocotyl elongation on differences in susceptibility to herbicides. 1) A key was produced to distinguish differences in the response of Beckmannia syzigachne (Steud.) Fernald and Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. var. amurensis (Komar.) Ohwi seedlings to different herbicides. Infestations of American sloughgrass, Beckmannia syzigachne (Steud.) Fernald have become a serious problem in the winter cropping of barley and wheat in Fukuoka and Saga Prefectures. The morphology of American sloughgrass seedling closely resembles the morphology of short-awned foxtail, Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. var. amurensis Ohwi. The ability to distinguish between these two sprcies in an important consideration for predicting the efficacy of herbicide application. Therefore, a key to distinguish American sloughgrass from short-awned foxtail and morphological characteristics affecting differences in herbicidal efficacy between the two species were investigated. (1) By the end of March, American sloughgrass and short-awned foxtail were in the two to six leaf stages. At this stage of development, the seedlings could be distinguished by the morphology of the spikelet or caryopsis at the base of the plants. The roots of American sloughgrass were found to be white, and the roots of the short-awned foxtail were reddish brown when desiccated. Root color was found to be a useful characteristics for distinguishing between the American sloughgrass and short-awned foxtail seedlings. (2) The number of surviving plants of both species was determined following the pre-emergence application of thiobencarb + prometryn emulsifiable concentrate and granules, and trifluralin emulsifiable concentrate. Both of these herbicides were given at the doses recommended by the manufacturers. In cases where both species were found growing together, the efficacy of the herbicide treatment was overestimated for American sloughgrass. and underestimated for short-awned foxtail. Clearly, correct identification of the two species is requested in order to accurately predict the result of herbicide application. 2) Differences in mesocotyl elongation and susceptibility to dinitoroaniline herbicide between Beckmannia syzigachne (Steud.) Fernald and Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. var. amurensis (Komar.) Ohwi. Factors affecting the differences in susceptibility to dinitoroaniline herbicides between American sloughgrass (B. syzigachne) and short-awned foxtail (Alopecurus aequalis var. amurensis) were investigated in relation to mesocotyl elongation. (1) The mesocotyl of American sloughgrass was found to be shorter (8 mm) than that of short-awned foxtail (32 mm) in etiolated seedlings grown under dark conditions at 20℃. Differences in morphological characteristics between the two species were also evident in shoot length which includes the plumule and mesocotyl. (2) American sloughgrass seeds germinated when planted at depths greater than 15 mm. It was found that the mesocotyle of American sloughgrass could not elongate by more than around 10 mm. In contrast, the mesocotyl of the short-awnd foxtail was able to elongate allowing for the germination of seeds planted at much greater depth. The growing point of the American sloughgrass seedlings were observed at depths up to 25 mm with a maximum depth distribution from 11 to 15 mm. Howver, in 50% of the cases, the growing point of the short-awned foxtail was distributed to a depth of 5 mm. (3) The efficacy of two dinitroaniline herbicides in the control of American sloughgrass and short-awned foxtail sown at different depths was investigated following the pre-emergence application using the following herbicide treatment regimes : trifluralin, 2.5% granules at a rate of 1.125 kg a.i. per ha, and pendimethalin, 2% micro-granules at a rate of 1.2 kg a.i. per ha. The number of surviving plants increased with seeding depth for both species. When American sloughgrass was treated with trifluralin, the number of surviving plants was larger than that of the shortawned foxtail for the same seeding depth. By manupulating the depth at which the growing point was located (instead of the seed depth), a significant relationship was found between the percentage of plants which survived relative to to the control (Y%), and the depth of the growing point (X mm) as follows : Y = b + a (1/X) For trifluralin American sloughgrass Y = 116.2 - 315.9 (1/X) r = 0.862^** (1) Short-awned foxtail Y = 119.9 - 350.2 (1/X) r = 0.923^** (2) For pendimethalin American sloughgrass Y = 110.8 - 204.3 (1/X) r = 0.840^** (3) Short-awned foxtail Y=114.6 - 179.3 (1/X) r = 0.803^** (4) r : Coefficient of correlation with at 1% significance level (^**) . No significant differences were detected between the regression coefficients a and b for the (1) - (2) and (3) - (4) treatments as indicated by a t-test. These results show that the differences in the number of plants that survived at various seeding depths were caused by the differences in the depth of the growing point between these two grasses. A control strategy for noxious Gramineous weeds that infest paddy fields in Japan was investigated. This study has presented new methods for predicting the appropreate timing for herbicide application, which was found to vary depending on the noxious species. New keys that can be used to accurately identify the target species will undoubtedly contribute to improved methods for Gramineous weeds in paddy fields in Japan. | |||||
抄録 | ||||||
内容記述タイプ | Abstract | |||||
内容記述 | イネやムギ類の作付けされる水田において, 作物と同じ科に属するイネ科雑草は, 使用する除草剤に高度の選択性を要求されることや, 穂や小穂を欠く状態では容易に同定できないことで, 防除上に大きな問題となっている。選択性除草剤の効果的適用の要件となる, 野生ヒエの葉齢を指標とした好適処理時期の推定法とイネ科雑草種の正確な同定手法の確立を基に, 水田におけるイネ科雑草の制御戦略を策定した。野生ヒエの発生および定着を予測するための加重型有効温度手法を開発し, 同手法に基づいて, 関東地方の耕起・不耕起乾田直播栽培におけるヒメイヌビエの発生生態の差異を明らかにし, 入水前除草剤処理時期の推定指標を作成した。九州地方に発生したコヒメビエにつき, 低温での種子の死亡条件を基にした定着不可能地点を推定し, 温暖化がコヒメビエの葉齢進展速度に及ぼす影響をタイヌビエとの対比で予測した。水田に発生するイネ科多年生雑草の葉の特徴による同定法を作成し, 千葉県八千代市での発生状況を解析した。暖地の水田裏作において近年増加傾向にあるイネ科雑草カズノコグサ幼植物のスズメノテッポウとの識別法を作成し, ジニトロアニリン系除草剤に対する反応の差異に中胚軸伸長特性の違いが関与していることを明らかにした。これらの知見に基づいて水田におけるイネ科雑草の制御戦略を策定した。 | |||||
書誌情報 |
九州沖縄農業研究センター報告 en : Bulletin of the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center 巻 44, p. 1-53, 発行日 2004-03-30 |
出版者 | ||||||
出版者 | 独立行政法人 農業・生物系特定産業技術研究機構 九州沖縄農業研究センター | |||||
ISSN | ||||||
収録物識別子タイプ | ISSN | |||||
収録物識別子 | 1346-9177 | |||||
DOI | ||||||
関連タイプ | isIdenticalTo | |||||
識別子タイプ | DOI | |||||
関連識別子 | 10.24514/00001938 | |||||
著者版フラグ | ||||||
出版タイプ | VoR | |||||
出版タイプResource | http://purl.org/coar/version/c_970fb48d4fbd8a85 |