@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00009104, author = {檜垣, 彰吾 and HIGAKI, Shogo and 鈴木, チセ and SUZUKI, Chise and 西浦, 玲奈 and SAKURAI, Reina and 櫻井, 玲奈 and 須田, 智子 and SUDA, Tomoko}, journal = {Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture}, month = {}, pages = {106513--106513}, title = {Estrus detection in tie-stall housed cows through supervised machine learning using a multimodal tail-attached device}, volume = {191}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ヒガキ, ショウゴ and スズキ, チセ and ニシウラ, レイナ and サクライ, レイナ and NISHIURA, Reina and スダ, トモコ} }