@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00009094, author = {玉村, 雪乃 and Tamamura-Andoh, Yukino and グルゲ, キールティ シリ and GURUGE, Keerthi Siri and 秋庭, 正人 and AKIBA, Masato}, journal = {Chemosphere, Chemosphere}, month = {}, pages = {130591--130591}, title = {The association between antimicrobials and the antimicrobial-resistant phenotypes and resistance genes of Escherichia coli isolated from hospital wastewaters and adjacent surface waters in Sri Lanka}, volume = {279}, year = {2021}, yomi = {タマムラ, ユキノ and グルゲ, キールティ シリ and アキバ, マサト} }