@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00008820, author = {原薗, 芳信 and HARAZONO, Yoshinobu and 吉本, 真由美 and YOSHIMOTO, Mayumi and 宮田, 明 and MIYATA, Akira and 内田, 洋平 and UCHIDA, Yohei and VOURLITIS, George L and VOURLITIS, George L and OECHEL, Walter C. and OECHEL, Walter C.}, journal = {農業環境技術研究所資料, Miscellaneous Publication of the National Institute of Agro-Environmental Science}, month = {Mar}, pages = {1--215}, title = {1993年夏期の北極域ツンドラ(Alaska,Barrow)の微気象データ}, volume = {16}, year = {1995}, yomi = {ハラゾノ, ヨシノブ and ヨシモト, マユミ and ミヤタ, アキラ and ウチダ, ヨウヘイ} }