@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00008805, author = {渡辺, 利通 and WATANABE, Toshimichi and 堀江, 正樹 and HORIE, Masaki and 芝山, 道郎 and SHIBAYAMA, Michio}, journal = {農業環境技術研究所資料, Miscellaneous Publication of the National Institute of Agro-Environmental Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {農業分野におけるリモートセンシング技術の利用の可能性について検討し,利用技術の確立,発展をはかることを目的として,農業用リモートセンシング解析装置(ARSAS)が農業環境技術研究所に導入された。リモートセンシングの概略および本装置のシステム構成(ハードウェア,ソフトウェア)について紹介する。, The Agricultural Remote Sensing Analyzing System (ARSAS) was set up in National Institute of Agro-Envirormental Sciences to develop the remote sensing analyzing techniques and to apply these techniques to agriculture. ARSAS's hardware are constituted with an electric computer, FACOM M-310 with 4MB memory, an image display, Graphica I-5088 (512×512 pixels), a magnetic disk system (737.5MB), two magnetic tape drives and some peripheral equipments. ARSAS's operating system is FACOM OS IV/X8, and it has FORTRAN 77 compiler. ARSAS's software system is constituted with some application programs for image processing, PROSID, PIA, SPIDER and MUVIE. BYU. Moreover it has some application programs for statistical processing, OSP and ANALYST and others. PROSID and PIA were developed to process many kind of digital image data,especially remote sensing data. These programs have many functions, such as input/output of digital image data, image display control, transforming of image, statistical analysis of image data concluding classification, calculation between chamels of image data, filtering and so on. Anyusers can analyze some remote sensing data, as LANDSAT MSS data or airbome MSS data, using these application programs for classification of land use,estimation of yield of somecrops, selection of favorable site to some crops or other problems. Moreover users can add to these systems their special functions written by FORTRAN 77.}, pages = {1--19}, title = {農業用リモートセンシング解析装置(ARSAS)}, volume = {4}, year = {1988}, yomi = {ワタナベ, トシミチ and ホリエ, マサキ and シバヤマ, ミチオ} }