@misc{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00008389, author = {高橋, 有}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, Fig. 2}, title = {Characteristics of “Banshu-Shiro-Mizuna.” (A) Germinated “Banshu-Shiro-Mizuna” (HY09) seeds on MS solid medium. (B) Seeds of “Banshu-Shiro-Mizuna” (HY09) harvested from the plants of photograph A after flowering. Scale indicates 1 mm order. (C) Comparison of “Banshu-Ao-Mizuna” (HY08) and “Banshu-Shiro-Mizuna” (HY09) grown in a growth chamber. Photograph was taken 1 month after sowing. (D) Leaf color intensity of the plants shown in photograph C. Bar indicates standard error of the mean (SEM) (n = 5). Values were quantified by SPAD Chlorophyll Meter. (E) Branch number of the plants shown in photograph C. Bar indicates SEM (n = 5).}, year = {2023}, yomi = {タカハシ, ユウ} }