@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00007798, author = {FUJITA, Naoaki and 藤田, 直聡 and 有岡, 敏也 and ARIOKA, Toshiya and 澤田, 賢 and SAWADA, Ken and 木山, 邦樹 and KIYAMA, Kuniki and 奥山, 哲夫 and OKUYAMA, Tetsuo and 今村, 城久 and IMAMURA, Kunihisa and 松田, 真 and MATSUDA, Makoto and 山本, 秀清 and YAMAMOTO, Shusei and 金一, 和美 and KANEICHI, K and 谷, 智博 and TANI, T and 東山, 寛 and HIGASHIYAMA, Kan}, journal = {北海道農業研究センター農業経営研究, National Agricultural Food Research Organization Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center Farm Management Research}, month = {Feb}, note = {It was clarified about effect and problem cleaner loader to operate by tractor of sugar beet as follows: an effect of this machine is that it is able to drop a lot of soil adhered to sugar beet. While, problem of this machine is as follows: first is that operating cost is high, second is that it restricts place of sugar beet stock yard, third is that discharge of sugar beet by harvester become more difficult, forth is that watching work to operate is not safety. If this machine is extended to many farms or agricultural work support organization, it is necessary that organization about agriculture (nation, prefecture, municipalities, agricultural cooperative and etc.) recognize crisis about spread of insects and virus causing damage to crop by soil movement., ここでは、てん菜のトラックへの積込作業について移動式除土積込機の効果を検討した。その結果、移動式除土積込機は稼働費用が高く、堆積場の設置の制約、収穫機の排出作業の煩雑さ、監視作業の安全性に課題が存在するものの、てん菜に付着している土砂の大部分を落とせることが明らかになった。ただし、この作業機を普及させるためには、関係機関が「土の移動による病害虫の伝播に対する危機感」を認識する必要がある。}, pages = {50--82}, title = {移動式除土積込機によるてん菜輸送の作業効率と経済性}, volume = {118}, year = {2022}, yomi = {フジタ, ナオアキ and アリオカ, トシヤ and サワダ, ケン and キヤマ, クニキ and オクヤマ, テツオ and イマムラ, クニヒサ and マツダ, マコト and ヤマモト, シュウセイ and カネイチ, カズミ and タニ, トモヒロ and ヒガシヤマ, カン} }