@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00007123, author = {WEERASEKERA, Dharmadasa and WEERASEKERA, Dharmadasa and ZONG, Xu Xiang and ZONG, Xu Xiang and HAN, Ouk Kyu and HAN, Ouk Kyu and WANG, Xin Wang and WANG, Xin Wang and 平島, 信也 and HIRASHIMA, Shinya and 小松崎, 隆男 and KOMATSUZAKI, Takao and 友岡, 憲彦 and TOMOOKA, Norihiko and VAUGHAN, Duncan A. and VAUGHAN, Duncan A.}, journal = {植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書, Annual Report on Exploration and Introduction of Plant Genetic Resources}, month = {Mar}, note = {An international group visited Nagano prefecture to explore and collect Japanese wild legumes from 9^ to 12^ October 2001. Nagano is the center of the southern Japan Alps with mountain ranges going north to south through the prefecture. It is thus a prefecture with diverse habitats. During the collecting trip a total of 53 seed samples were collected at 17 different sites in Nagano prefecture. Seed samples belonging to 9 different legume species in three different genera. (Vigna, Vicia, and Glycine) were collected. Seed samples collected include 13 of wild soyabean (Glycine soja), 12 of wild and weedy Vigna (V. angularis), and 28 of wild Vicia. Seed samples of Vicia collected included 9 of V. amoena, 6 of V. cracca, 5 of V. pseudo-orobus, 4 of V. unijuga, 2 of V. japonica, and 2 of V. nipponica (Table 1). For each collected sample herbarium specimens were also collected. Wild soybean, Glycine soja, is well distributed throughout the prefecture. Some species of Vicia were also found widely such as Vicia unijuga, V. amoena and Vicia cracca. Other Vicia species were not as frequently found. Vicia pseudo-orobus was found only in the north of the prefecture. Vicia nipponica was found in the eastern part of Nagano. Wild azuki, Vigna angularis var. nipponensis was found only in areas north and northeast of Matsumoto city at altitudes of 600-700m. In the Maruko and Ueda town area both wild and weedy azuki were found. This exploration revealed that wild azuki is more common than previously realized in parts of Nagano., 日本に自生するマメ科作物近縁野生種遺伝資源を調査収集する目的で, 2001年10月9日から12日にかけて長野県の探索を行った. 長野県は日本のほぼ中央に位置し, 日本アルプスに囲まれた複雑な生態環境を持つ地域である. 今回の探索調査によって, 17の収集地点から53点の遺伝資源を収集することができた. 収集品は Vigna (ササゲ) 属, Glycine (ダイズ) 属, Vicia (ソラマメ) 属を含む合計9種の作物近縁野生種から構成されていた. その内訳は, 野生ダイズ (Glycine soja) 13点, 野生アズキ (Vigna angularis var. nipponensis) および雑草アズキ12点, ソラマメ属野生種28点である. ソラマメ属野生種には, Vicia amoena (ツルフジバカマ) 9点, V. cracca (クサフジ) 6点, V. pseudo-orobus (オオバクサフジ) 5点, V. unijuga (ナンテンハギ) 2, V. japonica (ヒロハクサフジ) 2点, V. nipponica (ヨツバハギ) 2点が含まれていた. 調査では, 種子サンプルの他に, 標本のサンプルも合わせて収集した. 野生ダイズは長野県内に広く分布していた. ソラマメ属野生種の中の V.unijuga, V. amoena, V. cracca なども県内に広く分布していた. その他の種は, 分布域が限られていたり, 分布密度がやや低かったりするようで V.pseudo-orobus は長野県北部だけで, V. nipponica は長野県東部だけで見つけることができた. 野生アズキ (V. angularis var. nipponensis) は, 松本市の北部から東北部の標高600~700mの地域に分布していた. 特に上田市から丸子町にかけての水田地帯では, 雑草アズキ集団も見出された.}, pages = {19--33}, title = {長野県における Vigna, Vicia, Glycine 属野生種の調査と収集 2001年10月9~12日}, volume = {18}, year = {2002}, yomi = {ウィラセケラ, ダマダサ and ゾン, シュウシャン and ハン, オウク キュウ and ワン, シン ワン and ヒラシマ, シンヤ and コマツザキ, タカオ and トモオカ, ノリヒコ} }