@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00007091, author = {下田, 聡 and SHIMODA, Satoshi and 末川, 修 and SUEKAWA, Osamu and 武宮, 清和 and TAKEMIYA, Kiyokazu and 光, 富弘 and HIKARI, Tomihiro and 當, 好二 and ATARI, Kouji and 肥後, 芳郎 and HIGO, Yoshirou and 永, 政幸 and NAGAI, Masayuki and 政倉, 慶一 and MASAKURA, Keiiti and 氏原, 邦博 and UJIHARA, Kunihiro and 杉本, 明 and SUGIMOTO, Akira}, journal = {植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書, Annual Report on Exploration and Introduction of Plant Genetic Resources}, month = {Jan}, note = {An exploration for collecting wild relatives of sugarcane in Amami Islands, Kagoshima Prefecture was conducted from October 28th to November 7th 1999. During this exploration 22 samples which belong to the Gramineae were collected. S. spontaneum (19 samples) and another wild relatives (3 samples) were collected samples. Out of 22 samples, some samples of S. spontaneum and another wild relatives may have characters of early heading. They may have high capability of ratooning. We have much interest in evaluation of them for breeding early maturing cultivars with high capability of ratooning in poor soil and analyzing gene introgression between sugarcane and these wild relatives.}, pages = {29--33}, title = {鹿児島県奄美諸島におけるさとうきび遺伝資源の収集}, volume = {16}, year = {2001}, yomi = {シモダ, サトシ and スエカワ, オサム and タケミヤ, キヨカズ and ヒカリ, トミヒロ and アタリ, コウジ and ヒゴ, ヨシロウ and ナガイ, マサユキ and マサクラ, ケイイチ and ウジハラ, クニヒロ and スギモト, アキラ} }