@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00007058, author = {中村, 幸生 and NAKAMURA, Yukio and 亀島, 雅史 and KAMESHIMA, Masashi and 福永, 公平 and FUKUNAGA, Kimihira}, journal = {植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書, Annual Report on Exploration and Introduction of Plant Genetic Resources}, month = {Jan}, note = {In Kochi Prefecture, corn and sorghum have been grown for a long time. Among them, particularly corn landrace 'Wadashu' is considered a valuable genetic resource from the point of view of healthy food, because of good texture of its flour. Sorghum is also cooked after milling and eaten as health food. Since these genetic resources are useful as breeding materials for the development of varieties for new style foods, a mission was organized to collect local varieties adapted to the particular districts. The mission carried out survey of cultivation status and eating style during the middle of November of 1997 in the central and western part of Kochi Prefecture. Exploration was conducted twice. The first mission explored the mountainous areas of the central part of Kochi Prefecture. Otoyo-machi of Nagaoka-gun, Tosa-machi, Okawa-mura, Hongawa-mura of Tosa-gun. The second mission explored the mountainous areas of the western part of Kochi Prefecture. Kubokawa-machi, Taisho-machi, Towa-mura, Nishitosa-mura of Hata-gun and Nakamura-shi. Exploration was carried out after referring to the information given from the public offices and JA offices, and the mission collected 125 accessions of corn and 13 accessions of sorghum and 73 accessions of other crops. Each accession is divided into two parts, and is preserved by NIAR, and Kochi Agricultural Technical Center. As corn is open-pollinated, geographic isolation was taken into consideration at the time of collection but some accessions seemed to be not really pure. There are many accessions of which history and characteristics are unknown. As for some accessions only small quantity of seeds were collected, multiplication is necessary for them, before character evaluation.}, pages = {225--235}, title = {高知県中・西部における食用トウモロコシおよび食用ソルガム等の調査と収集}, volume = {14}, year = {1999}, yomi = {ナカムラ, ユキオ and カメシマ, マサシ and フクナガ, キミヒラ} }