@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00000702, author = {Anderson, Tavis K. and Macken, Catherine A. and Lewis, Nicola S. and Scheuermann, Richard H. and Reeth, Kristien Van and Brown, Ian H. and Swenson, Sabrina L. and Simon, Gaƫlle and SAITO, Takehiko and Berhane, Yohannes and Ciacci-Zanella, Janice and Pereda, Ariel and Davis, C. Todd and Donis, Ruben O. and Webby, Richard J. and Vincent, Amy L.}, issue = {6}, journal = {mSphere, mSphere}, month = {Dec}, title = {A Phylogeny-Based Global Nomenclature System and Automated Annotation Tool for H1 Hemagglutinin Genes from Swine Influenza A Viruses}, volume = {1}, year = {2016} }