@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00006966, author = {友岡, 憲彦 and TOMOOKA, Norihiko and 中山, 博貴 and NAKAYAMA, Hiroki and 山田, 清道 and YAMADA, Kiyomichi and 杉本, 明 and SUGIMOTO, Akira}, journal = {植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書, Annual Report on Exploration and Introduction of Plant Genetic Resources}, month = {Oct}, note = {An exploration for collecting landraces of cultivated crops in Tanegashima and Yakushima islands, Kagoshima prefecture, was conducted from October 3rd to 9th, 1993. During this exploration, 37 accessions of crop landraces belonging to 9 species were collected. Vigna unguiculata (25 accessions), Vigna radiata (2 accessions), Oryza sativa (1 accession), Cassia occidentalis (1 accession), Arachis hypogaea (2 accessions), Pisum sativum (3 accessions), Glycine max (1 accession), Setaria italica (1 accession) and Fagopyrum esculentum (1 accession) were collected crops. Of the 25 accessions of Vigna unguiculata, one accession was cultivar group "SESQUIPEDALIS" (yard long bean) and the others were cultivar group "UNGUICULATA" (cowpea). Yard long bean was locally called "furou" and young pods were used as vegetable. Cowpea with red seed coat was often called "azuki", which is a name widely used for another cultivated Vigna species (angularis) in Kyushu, Shikoku, Honshu and Hokkaiko islands of Japan. Cowpea with black seed coat was usually calld "sasage" , which is a common name used for Vigna unguiculata (cultivar group "UNGUICULATA") in Japan. Cowpea was used for preparing "tsunomaki" (ash water boiled glutinous rice with beans, which is wrapped by Arundo donax leaf, a local popular sweet especially used for celebration), "zenzai" (a sweet bean soup), "sekihan" (steamed glutinous rice with beans), "anko" (bean jam), and "sasage-meshi" (boiled non-glutinous rice with beans). Vigna radiata was called "bundou" or "fundou" and used to make "moyashi" (bean sprouts) and sometimes cooked with boiled non-glutinous rice. Landrace of cowpea was still cultivated by old farmers for their own use. However, landraces of millet such as Setalia italica, Sorghum bicolor, Panicum mililacium and Fagopyrum esculentum, which were widely cultivated before, have almost disappeared from this region. As for millet, one accession of each Setalia italica "awa" and Fagopyrum esculentum "soma" was collected in Yakushima island. Setalia italica was used to prepare "awa-mochi" (glutinous rice cake with "awa", which is prepared for new year's day "shogatsu") or cooked with non-glutinous rice. Fagopyrum esculentum was used to prepare "sobakiri" and "sobaneri" (kneaded "soma" flour paste with hot water) or "soma" flour was eaten mixed with sweet potato.}, pages = {15--24}, title = {種子島・屋久島における在来作物の探索収集}, volume = {10}, year = {1994}, yomi = {トモオカ, ノリヒコ and ナカヤマ, ヒロキ and ヤマダ, キヨミチ and スギモト, アキラ} }