@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00006952, author = {河瀨, 眞琴 and KAWASE, Makoto and 河瀬, 眞琴 and 友岡, 憲彦 and TOMOOKA, Norihiko}, journal = {植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書, Annual Report on Exploration and Introduction of Plant Genetic Resources}, month = {Oct}, note = {We made a field study to collect landraces of several cultivated crops from three islands in the Nansei Archipelago, i. e. Okinawa, Kume-jima and Amami-oshima islands. Thirtyfive sampies were collected, which included Vigna unguiculata (9 samples), Phaseolus vulgaris (3), Pisum sativum (2), Arachis hypogaea (2), Momordica charantia (2), Raphanus sativus (2), and others. V. unguiculata was locally called "azuki" , which is a name widely used for other cultivated Vigna species (angularis) in Kyushu, Shikoku, Honshu and Hokkaido islands of Japan. Local farmers taught us that they use its mature beans to prepare "zenzai" (a sweet bean soup), "sekihan" (boiled non-glutinous rice with beans), "okowa" (steamed glutinous rice with beans), "azuki-gayu" (a rice porridge with beans) and "moyasi" (bean sprouts). Two of the V. unguiculata samples were classified as the cultivar group sesquipedalis (yard long bean type), of which young pods are used as a green vegetable. We tried to find a landrace of foxtail millet and/or common millet, but failed. Each one sample of Sorghum bicolor and Zea mays was collected. Local farmers told us that their lands were severely damaged by the World War II. The mono-culture of sugarcane dominated after the war and then old landraces of millets, rice and other crops have disappeared. Nowadays a rapid fall of sugarcane in price and the decrease of the population size has defeated their agriculture in which aged poeple are mainly engaged. We visited those areas at the end of February in 1993. It seems, however, better to make a field survey in June or July, because the standing crops of the summer season can be seen in the fields just before harvest.}, pages = {7--14}, title = {沖縄本島, 久米島および奄美大島における在来作物の収集と調査}, volume = {9}, year = {1993}, yomi = {カワセ, マコト and トモオカ, ノリヒコ} }