@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00006936, author = {江川, 宜伸 and EGAWA, Yoshinobu and 竹谷, 勝 and TAKEYA, Masaru and 荻原, 均 and OGIWARA, Hitoshi and 佐藤, 喜美雄 and SATO, Kimio and 白田, 和人 and SHIRATA, Kazuto}, journal = {植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書, Annual Report on Exploration and Introduction of Plant Genetic Resources}, month = {Oct}, note = {Akita and Yamagata prefectures were explored for the collection of grain legume germplasm from October 22 to 25 in 1991. During the exploration, 34 samples of grain legumes including 13 of adzuki bean, 18 of soybean, 2 of common bean and 1 of cowpea were collected. In the southern part of Akita prefecture, white azuki bean and black azuki bean which are now confronted with gradual extinction in other areas of Japan are widely cultivated. These crops show late growth habit. Farmers plant them in mid-June and harvest at the end of October. Many local varieties of soybean were collected in the northern part of Yamagata prefecture. The varieties of soybean cultivated in this area are as follows ; black soybean for boiled bean, yellow soybean for the preparation of "tofu" or "miso" and green soybean for boiled bean and "anko" making.}, pages = {9--15}, title = {秋田県南部・山形県北部における豆類遺伝資源の収集}, volume = {8}, year = {1992}, yomi = {エガワ, ヨシノブ and タケヤ, マサル and オギワラ, ヒトシ and サトウ, キミオ and シラタ, カズト} }