@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00006825, author = {矢野, 裕之 and YANO, Hiroyuki}, journal = {農研機構研究報告, Journal of the NARO Research and Development}, month = {Nov}, note = {A processed food product with inner cellular structure like wheat bread was developed. It was made mainly from soy protein and egg white, without using yeast, baking soda, gluten or other additives. The specific volume was more than 5 mL/g, which was equivalent to that of wheat bread. Protein/carbohydrate content of the bread was 42-49%/1-11%, significantly higher/lower than that of the wheat or rice bread. Recently, importance of protein intake is indicated for health maintenance of middle-aged and older people. Thus, the bread is expected to be a convenient protein source for them., 大豆蛋白質と卵白を主成分に,イーストや重曹などの発泡剤やグルテンその他の添加物を使用せず,内相に小麦粉パンのような気泡構造をもつパン状加工物を作製した.パンの膨らみを示す比容積は5 mL/g 以上であり,小麦粉パンと同等である.また,従来の小麦粉パンや米粉パンと比較して蛋白質含有率が42 ~ 49%(w/w)と顕著に高く,一方,炭水化物の含量は1 ~ 11%(w/w)と顕著に低い.最近,特に中高年者の健康維持に蛋白質摂取の重要性が指摘されていることから,本成果のパンは手軽に摂取できる蛋白質源のひとつとして貢献が期待される.}, pages = {45--49}, title = {大豆蛋白質と卵白を主成分とする高蛋白質・低糖質パンの開発}, volume = {9}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ヤノ, ヒロユキ} }