@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00006823, author = {原, 貴洋 and HARA, Takahiro and 松井, 勝弘 and MATSUI, Katsuhiro and 鈴木, 達郎 and SUZUKI, Tatsuro and 手塚, 隆久 and TETSUKA, Takahisa and 森嶋, 輝也 and MORISHIMA, Teruya}, journal = {農研機構研究報告, Journal of the NARO Research and Development}, month = {Nov}, note = {‘NARO-FE-1’ is a new buckwheat cultivar with preharvest sprouting resistance that has been developed by the Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center, NARO. This cultivar has been bred by a mass selection method from a population that was developed by crossing five lines.‘NARO-FE-1’ has been demonstrated to have less preharvest sprouting, higher grain yield and heavier one-liter weight than ‘Harunoibuki’, which is a leading cultivar in summer cultivation. Compared with ‘Sachiizumi’, which is widely grown in autumn cultivation, ‘NARO-FE-1’ matures earlier. Grain yield of ‘NARO-FE-1’ was noted to be as high as that of ‘Sachiizumi’ when they were both sown in mid-September. Time of maturity, plant height, lodging resistance and palatability of ‘NARO-FE-1’ were comparable with those of ‘Harunoibuki’. We also discussed the importance of the denomination of cultivars, including ‘NARO-FE-1’, in strategic branding combined with trademark., 「NARO-FE-1」は,九州沖縄農業研究センター(以下,九沖研とする)において育成された春まき栽培でき穂発芽しにくいソバ新品種である.「NARO-FE-1」は,九沖研選抜の5 系統の交配後代から集団選抜法により選抜固定して育成された. 「NARO-FE-1」は春まき品種「春のいぶき」と比較し穂発芽しにくく,春まき栽培において多収で,容積重が大きい.夏まきの標準期播種栽培では,「さちいずみ」と比較し成熟が早く低収であるが,遅播栽培では同等の収量があり経済栽培が成り立つ.成熟期,草丈,倒伏程度と食味は「NARO-FE-1」と「春のいぶき」で同程度である.なお,品種名「NARO-FE-1」は,各地域等で育成したブランド名はそのままに品種を置換できる「地域農産物ブランド化における品種と商標との知財ミックス戦略」を想定し命名したものである.本品種は暖地,温暖地,北陸の春まきソバ栽培地域での普及が見込まれる.}, pages = {25--36}, title = {ソバ新品種「NARO-FE-1」の育成とその特性}, volume = {9}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ハラ, タカヒロ and マツイ, カツヒロ and スズキ, タツロウ and テツカ, タカヒサ and モリシマ, テルヤ} }