@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00006821, author = {寺沢, 洋平 and TERASAWA, Yohei and 伊藤, 美環子 and 八田, 浩一 and HATTA, Koichi and 川口, 謙二 and KAWAGUCHI, Kenji and 鈴木, 雄大 and SUZUKI, Katsuhiro and 兼光, 宏学 and KANEMITSU, Hirohisa and 田引, 正 and TABIKI, Tadashi and 岡田, 昌宏 and OKADA, Masahiro and ITO, Kenji}, journal = {農研機構研究報告, Journal of the NARO Research and Development}, month = {Nov}, note = {We developed an electronic field notes system with FileMaker for the purpose of improving the efficiency of wheat breeding. The system involves data aggregation and labor-saving digital devices that have been developed in recent years. We verified the efficiency of data acquisition using this system. We found that the efficiency of data collection in the field was improved and human error was reduced; thus, with this system, it is possible to process a large amount of data accurately. Although the field personnel were unfamiliar with the digital devices, they were able to effectively utilize the various programs developed in this study. The results of this study contribute to improved accuracy in data collection and thus more efficient crop breeding., 本研究では,近年急速に発達したデジタルデバイスを用いた小麦育種の効率化,データの集約・省力化を目的として,既成ソフトであるFileMaker をベースとした電子野帳の開発を行った.また,この電子野帳と様々なデバイスを用いてデータ取得の効率性を検証した結果,作業時間の短縮および人的エラーの軽減を実現し,正確かつ大量のデータを簡便に扱うことが可能となった.本研究で開発した様々なプログラムはデジタルデバイスの操作に不慣れな職員でも抵抗感なく取り扱うことができた.以上の成果は,今後の系統選抜の正確性と育種の効率化に大きく寄与する.}, pages = {1--10}, title = {作物育種で本格運用するための電子野帳の開発と効率化の検証}, volume = {9}, year = {2021}, yomi = {テラサワ, ヨウヘイ and イトウ, ミワコ and ハッタ, コウイチ and カワグチ, ケンジ and スズキ, カツヒロ and カネミツ, ヒロヒサ and タビキ, タダシ and オカダ, マサヒロ} }