@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00006814, author = {石井, 雅久 and ISHII, Masahisa}, journal = {農研機構研究報告, Journal of the NARO Research and Development}, month = {Oct}, note = {Many horticultural structures, such as high tunnels and greenhouses along the Pacific Coast of the Tohoku and Kanto areas were crushed by the tsunami that followed the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake. The National Agricultural and Food Research Organization (NARO) investigated damage caused to horticultural structures by the tsunami and seismic motion. The purpose of this review is to report on the damage caused to horticultural structures and incidental facilities by the earthquake, and consider responses to future similar disasters. Major economic impacts by the tsunami included agricultural facilities, horticultural structures, agricultural machines and agricultural equipment. The horticultural structures typically seen damaged were as follows: (1) inshore greenhouses washed away by the tsunami, (2) slight damage to greenhouse structures distant from the shore, (3) earthquake damage to some environmental control systems, high bench cultivation systems and glass roofs and walls of multi-span greenhouses, (4) decreased production due to environmental control systems (ventilators, thermal curtains, heaters, etc.) and irrigation systems having stopped due to power failure. Earthquakes, typhoons and heavy snowfall frequently occur in Japan, making reinforcement of greenhouse structures necessary. There is a need for development of renewable energy sources that can power environmental control technology during mains power failures and suspension of water supplies., 平成23 年東北地方太平洋沖地震によって発生した津波により,東北地方から関東地方の沿岸部では温室やパイプハウスなど園芸施設の損傷や倒壊,土砂や漂流物の堆積,土壌の塩類集積などの被害が生じた.また,内陸部では地震動よる園芸施設の倒壊や損壊,また,停電や断水により環境制御装置や灌水装置が機能しなくなり,園芸作物の枯死や生育障害が生じた.本稿では,東北地方太平洋沖地震により被災した園芸施設の事例と,早期の復旧・復興に向けた取り組みを紹介する.また,わが国は地震だけではなく,台風や大雪などの気象災害も多発しており,施設園芸では施設構造の強化やライフライン停止に対応した事業維持計画(BCP)の確立が喫緊の課題である., 6章: 営農再開に向けた施設園芸の復興支援 /総説 Chapter6: Support and research trials for reconstruction of horticultural production areas toward the resumption of farming /Review}, pages = {173--183}, title = {平成23年東北地方太平洋沖地震後の復旧・復興に向けた施設園芸の取り組み}, volume = {8}, year = {2021}, yomi = {イシイ, マサヒサ} }