@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00006798, author = {井倉, 将人 and IGURA, Masato and 江口, 定夫 and EGUCHI, Sadao and 吉川, 省子 and YOSHIKAWA, Seiko}, journal = {農研機構研究報告, Journal of the NARO Research and Development}, month = {Oct}, note = {Annual radiocesium monitoring was conducted from 2012 to 2019 after the accident at the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)-Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP). Radiocesium concentrations in farmland soils and crops were shown to have continuously decreased, and the morphological distribution of radiocesium in soil was also revealed. It also shown that extremely low amounts of radiocesium were transferred from the surrounding forests to agricultural land, and that the amount of radiocesium in paddy fields in mountainous areas decreased faster than would be predicted by radiocesium’s half-life. These studies are regarded as important information for determining whether crops with low radiocesium concentration can be produced. A method of evaluation of the abundance of dissolved radiocesium in the soil in forms that are easily taken up by plants has also been studied, and is expected to be used in farmlands that have resumed farming., 東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故後の毎年の放射能モニタリング(2012 ~ 2019 年)により,福島県内の農地土壌および農作物の放射性セシウム濃度における継続的な減少が確認されるとともに,土壌中に存在する放射性セシウム形態の分布状況が明らかにされた.また,周辺林地内の放射性セシウム移動量が存在量に対して極めて小さいことや,中山間水田内の放射性セシウム存在量が物理的半減期より早く減少することが明らかにされた.これらの研究結果は,中山間地域が広く分布する福島県内において,放射性セシウム濃度の低い農作物が生産できるか判断するための重要な情報であると考えられた.土壌中において植物が利用しやすい溶存態放射性セシウム量の評価方法も検討され,営農再開農地での利用が期待された., 2章: 稲作における放射性セシウムの動態と吸収抑制対策 /総説 Chapter2: Behavior of radiocesium in rice field environment and rice plant, and countermeasures to reduce radiocesium in brown rice /Review}, pages = {77--82}, title = {農地土壌およびその周辺環境における放射性セシウムの分布と挙動}, volume = {8}, year = {2021}, yomi = {イグラ, マサト and エグチ, サダオ and ヨシカワ, セイコ} }