@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00006791, author = {八谷, 満 and HACHIYA, Mitsuru}, journal = {農研機構研究報告, Journal of the NARO Research and Development}, month = {Oct}, note = {Restoration and reconstruction is the greatest and most pressing task following a nuclear accident. In this paper we examined the task of reducing external exposure to radiation from radioactive material that has accumulated in agricultural land or its peripheral areas. We focus on the features of a machine for decontaminating agricultural peripheral areas such as embankments and agricultural roads, and we also report the results of onsite testing.  Agricultural tractors with a shielded cabin were developed for decontaminating paddy fields that have been contaminated with radioactive material. The developed machines reduced the radiation dose rate of the interior of the cabin by pproximately 50% or less from outside. The dust concentration was also reduced by more than 95%. The performances of the machines and the effects of the removal of surface soil were estimated via a decontamination test in Iitate, Fukushima.  To reduce radioactive-cross contamination in rice huskers, we investigated two techniques: “decomposition cleaning of a husker” and the “flushing with unhulled rice.” An examination of the latter technique showed the Cs concentration in brown rice to be reduced by 90% from the early stages of husking. This result was not influenced by any initial contamination of the husker, and the resulting Cs concentration of the brown rice was below the regulation value. For this reason, we concluded that flushing rice huskers with unhulled rice is an easy and effective method for preventing radioactive cross-contamination. However, since the Cs concentration in the residue inside the husker after flushing tends to have a high Cs concentration, to prevent recurrence of crosscontamination it is necessary to remove the residue., 東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故からの速やかな復旧・復興を目指して,著者らは食料生産の基盤である農地の復旧を目的として放射性物質除去のための技術開発に取り組んだ.特に,農地土壌や畦畔,農道,水路,周辺の森林等に蓄積した放射性物質からの放射線による外部被ばく対策を取り上げ,汚染表土の削り取りを目的として開発した農地周辺除染用作業機の特徴と,これを用いた現地実証試験等の結果を中心に報告する.併せて,運転者の外部および内部被ばくの抑制を目的として開発した除染作業用シールドキャビン付きの農用トラクタの概要について記す.さらに,放射性物質を含む農産物の生産・流通を未然に防止するため,穀物乾燥調製施設の稼働再開に向けた,当該施設で生じる恐れのある交差汚染を防止するための取り組み事例を紹介する., 1章: 農耕地の除染と農業用水の放射性物質への対応 /総説 Chapter1: Decontamination of arable land and measures for radioactive substances in irrigation water /Review}, pages = {19--27}, title = {機械作業技術による除染作業への取り組み}, volume = {8}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ハチヤ, ミツル} }