@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00006772, author = {齋藤, 寿広 and SAITO, Toshihiro and 髙田, 教臣 and TAKADA, Norio and 澤村, 豊 and SAWAMURA, Yutaka and 西尾, 聡悟 and NISHIO, Sogo and 平林, 利郎 and HIRABAYASHI, Toshiro and 佐藤, 明彦 and SATO, Akihiko and 加藤, 秀憲 and KATO, Hidenori and 尾上, 典之 and ONOUE, Noriyuki and 内田, 誠 and UCHIDA, Makoto}, journal = {農研機構研究報告, Journal of the NARO Research and Development}, month = {Jul}, note = {'Porosuke' is an early maturing and easy pellicle peeling (EPP) new cultivar of Japanese chestnut (Castanea crenata Sieb. et Zucc.) released in 2016 by the Institute of Fruit Tree and Tea Science, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NIFTS) in Japan. ‘Porosuke’ originated from a cross between ‘550-40’ [290-5 (Moriwase × Kairyoutoyotama) × Kunimi] and 'Tanzawa' in 2004 at Tsukuba, NIFTS. It was selected in 2008 and subjected to the 7th national trial on chestnut as Kuri Tsukuba 41 from 2009, conducted at 15 experimental stations in 14 prefectures in Japan. It was registered as No.26828 under the Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act of Japan on May 29, 2018. The tree vigor is medium and tree form is intermediate between upright and spreading. The full bloom date of female flowers averaged June 3, at the same time as that for ‘Tanzawa’ and ‘Porotan’ in the national trial. The nut of ‘Porosuke’ ripened around late August to early September, and the harvest date averaged Sep. 2, earlier than that of ‘Porotan’, at the same time as that of ‘Tanzawa’. The yield of 6-7 years old trees was as high as those in ‘Tanzawa’ and 'Porotan'. The incidences of nut polyembryony, pericarp splitting and decayed nut in ‘Porosuke’ were comparable to those traits in ‘Tanzawa’. Injured nut by insect pests occurred frequently as in ‘Tanzawa’ and ‘Porotan’. Nut weight of ’Porosuke’ averaged about 19g, smaller than ‘Tanzawa’ and ‘Porotan’ nuts in the national trial. The nut uniformity was good. The specific gravity of ‘Porosuke’ nuts was comparable to those of ‘Tanzawa’ and ‘Porotan’ nuts. The kernels of ‘Porosuke’ nuts were yellow in color, medium in sweetness and flavor, medium-mealy in texture, and of good eating quality, comparable to those of ‘Tanzawa’ and ‘Porotan’ nuts. The pellicle is easy to peel, comparable to that of ‘Porotan’ chestnuts. ’Porosuke’ and ‘Porotan’ is cross-compatible reciprocally, therefore only EPP nuts are expected to be harvested from orchards, in which these two cultivars are planted. ‘Porosuke’ is expected to be cultivated as EPP cultivar, which extent supplying period of EPP nuts of Japanese chestnut than that of ‘Porotan’., ‘ぽろすけ’は, 2004年に550-40[290-5(‘森早生’ב改良豊多摩’)]✕‘国見’)に‘丹沢’を交雑し,育成した実生から選抜した早生の易渋皮剥皮性を有するニホングリ品種である.2009年からクリ第7回系統適応性検定試験に,クリ筑波41号として供試し,2016年2月の果樹系統適応性・特性検定試験成績検討会で新品種候補にふさわしいとの合意が得られ,2018年5月29日に第26828号として種苗法に基づき品種登録された.系統適応性検定試験の結果では,樹勢の強弱は中,樹姿は直立と開張の中間である.雌花の満開日は6月3日で‘丹沢’や‘ぽろたん’と同時期である.収穫盛期は9月2日であり,‘丹沢’と同時期で,‘ぽろたん’より早い.若木の収量は‘丹沢’や‘ぽろたん’と同程度である.双子果,腐敗果,虫害果の発生率は‘丹沢’,‘ぽろたん’と同程度,裂果の発生率は‘丹沢’と同程度で,‘ぽろたん’より高い.果実重は約19gで‘丹沢’,‘ぽろたん’より小さい.果実の揃いは良好で,比重は‘丹沢’,‘ぽろたん’と同程度である.果肉の色は黄色で肉質はやや粉質,甘味や香気は中程度であり,食味は‘丹沢’や ‘ぽろたん’と同程度である.渋皮剥皮性は‘ぽろたん’と同様に容易である.また,‘ぽろたん’と交雑和合性を示すため,両品種を植栽する園地では渋皮剥皮が容易な果実のみ生産可能である.‘ぽろすけ’は渋皮剥皮が容易な果実の供給期間を拡大可能な品種として普及が期待される.}, pages = {39--46}, title = {ニホングリ新品種‘ぽろすけ’}, volume = {7}, year = {2021}, yomi = {サイトウ, トシヒロ and タカダ, ノリオ and サワムラ, ユタカ and ニシオ, ソウゴ and ヒラバヤシ, トシロウ and サトウ, アキヒコ and カトウ, ヒデノリ and オノウエ, ノリユキ and ウチダ, マコト} }