@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00006771, author = {齋藤, 寿広 and SAITO, Toshihiro and 澤村, 豊 and SAWAMURA, Yutaka and 髙田, 教臣 and TAKADA, Norio and 壽, 和夫 and KOTOBUKI, Kazuo and 西尾, 聡悟 and NISHIO, Sogo and 平林, 利郎 and HIRABAYASHI, Toshiro and 佐藤, 明彦 and SATO, Akihiko and 正田, 守幸 and SHODA, Moriyuki and 加藤, 秀憲 and KATO, Hidenori and 寺井, 理治 and TERAI, Osamu and 樫村, 芳記 and KASHIMURA, Yoshiki and 尾上, 典之 and ONOUE, Noriyuki and 西端, 豊英 and NISHIBATA, Toyohide and 鈴木, 勝征 and SUZUKI, Katsuyuki and 内田, 誠 and UCHIDA, Makoto}, journal = {農研機構研究報告, Journal of the NARO Research and Development}, month = {Jul}, note = {‘Narumi’ is a new self-compatible cultivar of Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) released in 2015 by the Institute of Fruit Tree Science (NIFTS) of the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization. The cultivar originated from a cross between 269-21 (‘Hosui’ × ‘Osa-nijisseiki’) and 162-29 (‘Niitaka’ × ‘Hosui’) in 1996, was selected as a promising tree in 2006, and was included in the 8th national trial as ‘Nashi Tsukuba 57’ from 2007, which was conducted at 37 experimental stations in 36 prefectures throughout Japan. The cultivar was ultimately selected and released as ‘Narumi’ in 2015 and was registered as No. 25276 under the Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act of Japan on July 6, 2016. ‘Narumi’ trees showed medium vigor in the national trial. They produced moderate number of shoots, moderately large number of fruit spurs, and moderate number of axillary flower buds. The flowering time of ‘Narumi’ was April 14, the same time as ‘Hosui’. The harvest time was September 10, the same time as ‘Hosui’ in the national trial. It was resistant to black spot, but susceptible to scab. ‘Narumi’ shows self-compatibility and its fruit set by open pollination was high, suggesting it is expected to reduce the labor required for artificial pollination. The S-genotype of ‘Narumi’ is S4smS5. Pollen of ‘Narumi’ is incompatible with S4S5 and S1S5 S-genotype cultivars. Fruit shape of ‘Narumi’ is round. Fruit weight averaged 532 g in the national trial, larger than that of ‘Hosui’. Flesh firmness of ‘Narumi’ was 4.7 lbs, and the soluble solids content averaged 12.9%, both the same as that of ‘Hosui’. The juice pH averaged 4.9, higher than that of ‘Hosui’. The occurrence of both core rot and water core was minor, which is comparable to that of ‘Hosui’ and less than that of ‘Hosui’, respectively. ‘Narumi’ is expected to be cultivated as self-compatible, which is expected to reduce the labor required for artificial pollination., ‘なるみ’は,1996年に269-21(‘豊水’בおさ二十世紀’)に162-29(‘新高’ב豊水’)を交雑し,育成した実生から選抜した中生の自家和合性を有するニホンナシ新品種である.2007年からナシ第8回系統適応性検定試験に,ナシ筑波57号として供試し,2015年2月の果樹系統適応性・特性検定試験成績検討会で新品種候補にふさわしいとの合意が得られ,2016年7月6日に第25276号として種苗法に基づき品種登録された.系統適応性試験の結果では,樹勢および枝梢の発生程度は中,短果枝の着生はやや多く,えき花芽の着生は中程度である.開花期は‘豊水’と同時期である. S遺伝子型はS4smS5で,自家和合性を示す.自然受粉条件での結実率も高く,受粉作業を省略出来ると考えられる.一方,本品種の花粉は‘幸水’等S4S5とS1S5の遺伝子型の品種と交雑不和合性を示す.成熟期は9月上旬で‘豊水’と同時期である.黒斑病には抵抗性,黒星病にはり病性である.果実は円形を呈し,大きさは532gで‘豊水’より大きい.果肉は硬度が4.7ポンド,糖度は12.9%でいずれも‘豊水’と同程度,pHは4.9で‘豊水’より高く酸味が少ない.心腐れの発生は‘豊水’と同程度に少なく,みつ症の発生は‘豊水’より少ない.果実の日持ち性は10日程度で‘豊水’と同程度である.自家和合性を有する,人工受粉作業を省略可能な品種として普及が期待される.}, pages = {29--37}, title = {ニホンナシ新品種‘なるみ’}, volume = {7}, year = {2021}, yomi = {サイトウ, トシヒロ and サワムラ, ユタカ and タカダ, ノリオ and コトブキ, カズオ and ニシオ, ソウゴ and ヒラバヤシ, トシロウ and サトウ, アキヒコ and ショウダ, モリユキ and カトウ, ヒデノリ and テライ, オサム and カシムラ, ヨシキ and オノウエ, ノリユキ and ニシバタ, トヨヒデ and スズキ, カツユキ and ウチダ, マコト} }