@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00006760, author = {石黒, 浩二 and ISHIGURO, Koji and 大塚, しおり and OTSUKA, Shiori and 原, 尚資 and HARA, Takashi and 森下, 敏和 and MORISHITA, Toshikazu and 鈴木, 達郎 and SUZUKI, Tatsuro and 本田, 裕 and HONDA, Yutaka}, journal = {農研機構研究報告, Journal of the NARO Research and Development}, month = {Mar}, note = {The Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center of National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) has released a new buckwheat cultivar ‘Kitamitsuki’. ‘Kitamitsuki’ was derived from a cross between ‘Tanno 43’ and ‘Kitawasesoba’. Seed yield of ‘Kitamitsuki’ is higher than that of ‘Kitawasesoba’. ‘Kitamitsuki’ shows 111-126% higher seed yield compared to ‘Kitawasesoba’ in the Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center. In Fukagawa, Asahikawa/Horokanai and Sapporo, the yield shows 103% (planting at late-May), 104% (planting at early-June), 142% and 118% compared to ‘Kitawasesoba’, respectively. In addition, seeds weights per one L and rutin content in seeds of ‘Kitamitsuki’ are higher than ‘Kitawasesoba’ in any experiment places. Eating quality of ‘Kitamitsuki’ evaluated by users is comparable to that of ‘Kitawasesoba’. It is expected that ‘Kitamitsuki’ can be widespread mainly in Hokkaido prefecture., 北海道農業研究センターにおいて,ソバ新品種「キタミツキ」を育成した.「キタミツキ」は,「端野43」と「キタワセソバ」の交配後代から選抜した.「キタミツキ」は,「キタワセソバ」よりも子実重が重く,育成地では「キタワセソバ」比111-126%である.深川市では同比103%(5 月下旬播種)および104%(6 月上旬播種),旭川市/ 幌加内町では同比142%,札幌市では同比118%である.また,全ての試験地において「キタミツキ」の容積重は「キタワセソバ」より重く,ルチン含量は高い.実需者による食味評価では,「キタワセソバ」と同水準との評価を得ている.北海道を中心に普及することが見込まれる.}, pages = {31--41}, title = {ソバ新品種「キタミツキ」の育成とその特性}, volume = {6}, year = {2021}, yomi = {イシグロ, コウジ and オオツカ, シオリ and ハラ, タカシ and モリシタ, トシカズ and スズキ, タツロウ and ホンダ, ユタカ} }