@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00006758, author = {松﨑, 守夫 and MATSUZAKI, Morio}, journal = {農研機構研究報告, Journal of the NARO Research and Development}, month = {Mar}, note = {Soil organic matter (SOM) is a heterogeneous organic mixture, the half is constructed by organic carbon. Organic matter incorporated to soil is degraded into SOM by soil microbe. SOM increases cation exchange capacity (CEC), namely nourishment retentivity of soil. SOM contributes to form aggregates, and improves drainage characteristics and water retentivity of soil. Because soil microbe degrades SOM and increases, biomass nitrogen which soil microbe holds increases when there is much SOM. Biomass nitrogen is probably correlated with soil nitrogen. However, the increase of biomass nitrogen is accompanied with decrease of SOM. The amount of SOM is decided by the amount of organic matter supplied to soil and the amount of organic matter degraded by soil microbe. The means to supply more organic matter to soil are shifting, continuous supply of compost etc. The degradation of SOM is promoted in the rotational paddy field, soybean cultivation etc. Both of non-flooding in paddy field and soybean cultivation are the treatments to promote degradation of SOM, and the soybean cultivation in rotational paddy field probably degrades SOM remarkably. To use biomass nitrogen and maintain SOM, it is suggested that more amount of organic matter must be supplied to soil than the amount of degradation by soil microbe. Continuous application of organic matter e.g., compost is probably effective for maintenance of SOM., 土壌有機物は不均一な有機物の混合物であり,その半分は有機炭素によって構成される.土壌有機物は,土壌に還元された有機物が土壌微生物によって分解されたものである.土壌有機物は土壌のイオン交換容量を増加させる.また,団粒形成に寄与し,土壌の排水性,保水性を向上させる.土壌微生物は土壌有機物を分解して増加するため,土壌有機物が多いほど,土壌微生物の保持するバイオマス窒素が増加する.バイオマス窒素は,地力窒素と関係が深いとされている.ただ,バイオマス窒素の増加にともなって,土壌有機物量は減少すると考えられる.土壌有機物量は,土壌へ供給される有機物量と,土壌微生物による分解量によって決定される.土壌への有機物供給量を増加させる処理としては焼き畑,堆肥連用などがある.土壌有機物の分解を促進する処理としては水田の畑転換,ダイズ作などがある.従って,水田転換畑におけるダイズ作では,著しく土壌有機物の分解が促進されると考えられる.地力窒素を利用しつつ,土壌有機物を維持するためには,土壌微生物による分解量以上に,土壌へ有機物を供給する必要がある.そのためには,堆肥などの有機物を連用することが有効と考えられる.}, pages = {1--19}, title = {土壌有機物と農業生産との関係についての総説}, volume = {6}, year = {2021}, yomi = {マツザキ, モリオ} }