@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00005400, author = {赤松, 創 and AKAMATSU, Hajime and 越智, 直 and OCHI, Sunao and 三室, 元気 and MIMURO, Gemki and MATSUOKA, Jun-ichi and MATSUOKA, Junichi and 松岡, 淳一 and 髙橋, 真実 and TAKAHASHI, Mami}, issue = {3}, journal = {The Plant Pathology Journal, The Plant Pathology Journal}, month = {Jun}, pages = {219--233}, title = {Variation in the resistance of Japanese soybean cultivars to Phytophthora root and stem rot during the early plant growth stages and the effects of a fungicide seed treatment}, volume = {35}, year = {2019}, yomi = {アカマツ, ハジメ and オチ, スナオ and ミムロ, ゲンキ and マツオカ, ジュンイチ and タカハシ, マミ} }