@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00005310, author = {WIN, Khin Thuzar and WIN, Khin Thuzar and OKAZAKI, Keiki and 岡﨑, 圭毅 and 岡崎, 圭毅 and 大脇, 良成 and OHWAKI, Yoshinari}, issue = {7}, journal = {PLoS ONE, PLoS ONE}, month = {Jul}, title = {Influence of rice-husk biochar and Bacillus pumilus strain TUAT-1 on yield, biomass production, and nutrient uptake in two forage rice genotypes}, volume = {14}, year = {2019}, yomi = {オカザキ, ケイキ and オオワキ, ヨシナリ} }