@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00000053, author = {古畑, 昌巳 and FURUHATA, Masami and 吉永, 悟志 and YOSHINAGA, Satoshi and 笹原, 和哉 and SASAHARA, Kazuya}, issue = {2}, journal = {農研機構研究報告 中央農業研究センター, Bulletin of the NARO, Agricultural Research for Central Region}, month = {Jun}, note = {1. イタリアの水稲作では湛水直播栽培が最も多く行われ,主な特徴として圃場規模が日本に比べて非常に大きいこと,耕起後,湛水した無代かき圃場に浸種した種子を大量に散播する方式であることが挙げられる. 一方,日本の湛水直播栽培の主な特徴として,代かきした圃場にコーティング種子を播種する方式であることが挙げられるが,日本の水稲作全体に占める直播栽培面積の割合は1.5%と非常に少ない.そのため,イタリア型直播で供試されている品種や生育特性を明らかにすることによって,日本における湛水直播栽培技術の向上や普及面積拡大につながる情報が得られることが期待される. 本研究においてイタリア型直播を想定して圃場試験を行った結果,イタリア品種である「Luxor」,「Opale」は他の品種に比べて苗立ち率が高く,苗立ち本数が多かった.この要因として,この2品種は低温条件での発芽が早く,イタリア型直播で出芽が早まるためであると考えられた.さらに,この2品種は,イタリア型直播で浮き苗になりにくい傾向が認められ,この要因として,他の品種に比べて生育初期の種子根の伸長速度が速く,早期に冠根が抽出するなどの地下部形質が寄与していることが示唆された.以上の結果,「Luxor」,「Opale」はこれら複数の形質によってイタリア型直播に適応していると考えられた. 2. 圃場においてイタリア型直播および日本型直播を2ヵ年行って,イタリア型直播の乾物生産性,収量性を評価した.イタリア型直播の茎数,地上部乾物重,窒素吸収量は日本型直播に比べて低く推移した結果,穂数は少なくなり,総籾数の減少に伴って 減収した.一方,1株穂数が少なく倒伏指数は小さい形質を持つ「Luxor」,「Opale」は,イタリア型直播での穂数,総籾数の減少程度は小さく,収量は日本型とほぼ同等となった.以上の結果,「Luxor」,「Opale」は穂重型で高い耐倒伏性を持つことによってイタリア型湛水直播栽培に適応していることが示唆された., In Italy, the direct seeding of rice is a conventional practice. Fields are much larger than those in Japan, and rice is planted as non-coated seeds in unpuddled fields after plowing. The major characteristics of Japanese direct seeding rice cultivation are; the average field size of 0.3 ha, use of coated seeds in puddled fields, and small field area of practice. Therefore, analyzing the characteristics of Italian rice cultivars and incorporating their direct seeding methods in Japan may lead to improving direct seeding technology and extending the direct-seeded planting area in Japan. The results of a field test suggest that the seedling establishment rates and seedling numbers of the Italian cultivars “Luxor” and “Opale” were higher than those of Japanese cultivars in Italian direct seeding culture. The germination speed of these two cultivars was faster in low temperature, and the seedling emergence of these cultivars happened earlier in Italian direct seeding culture than in the Japanese counterpart. Furthermore, the vigorous root growth of Italian cultivars led to the control of floating seedlings. As described above, it was suggested that “Luxor” and “Opale” had several characteristics that enabled the culture to be planted as noncoated seeds in unpuddled fields after plowing. 2. We established experimental field plots of Italian and Japanese direct seeding cultures for two years to investigate the lodging resistance of Italian cultivars and dry matter production and yield in Italian direct seeding culture. Tiller number, the dry weight of upper parts, and nitrogen absorption in Italian direct seeding culture were lower than those in Japanese direct seeding culture in each growing period, resulting in reduced panicle number, total kernel number, and yield. “Luxor” and “Opale” had fewer panicles per hill, and lower lodging index than the Japanese cultivars. In Italian direct seeding culture, the yields of the two Italian cultivars were similar to those in the Japanese direct seeding culture, owing to similar panicle numbers. As described above, it was suggested that “Luxor” and “Opale” were heavy-ear type and cultivars with high lodging resistance that enabled in Italian direct seeding culture.}, pages = {1--15}, title = {イタリア型水稲湛水直播栽培技術の評価 —異なる品種と栽培型における出芽性,乾物生産性, 耐倒伏性および収量性の解析—}, year = {2017}, yomi = {フルハタ, マサミ and ヨシナガ, サトシ and ササハラ, カズヤ} }