@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00005232, author = {伊川, 浩樹 and IKAWA, Hiroki and 酒井, 英光 and SAKAI, Hidemitsu and 米村, 正一郎 and YONEMURA, Seiichiro and 谷口, 洋二郎 and TANIGUCHI, Yojiro and 吉本, 真由美 and YOSHIMOTO, Mayumi and 常田, 岳志 and TOKIDA, Takeshi and ZHANG, Guo-you and ZHANG, Guoyou and 張, 国友 and 桑形, 恒男 and KUWAGATA, Tsuneo and 長谷川, 利拡 and HASEGAWA, Toshihiro}, issue = {3}, journal = {Plant Production Science, Plant Production Science}, month = {Jul}, pages = {395--406}, title = {High mesophyll conductance in the high-yielding rice cultivar Takanari quantified with the combined gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements under free-air CO2 enrichment}, volume = {22}, year = {2019}, yomi = {イカワ, ヒロキ and サカイ, ヒデミツ and ヨネムラ, セイイチロウ and タニグチ, ヨウジロウ and ヨシモト, マユミ and トキダ, タケシ and クワガタ, ツネオ and ハセガワ, トシヒロ} }