@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00005210, author = {早山, 陽子 and HAYAMA, Yoko and 山本, 健久 and YAMAMOTO, Takehisa and 西, 達也 and NISHI, Tatsuya and 清水, 友美子 and SHIMIZU, Yumiko and 筒井, 俊之 and TSUTSUI, Toshiyuki}, issue = {5}, journal = {Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, Transboundary and Emerging Diseases}, month = {Sep}, pages = {2074--2086}, title = {Reconstructing a transmission network and identifying risk factors of secondary transmissions in the 2010 foot‐and‐mouth disease outbreak in Japan}, volume = {66}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ハヤマ, ヨウコ and ヤマモト, タケヒサ and ニシ, タツヤ and シミズ, ユミコ and ツツイ, トシユキ} }