@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00005045, author = {長澤, 裕哉 and NAGASAWA, Yuya and 菊, 佳男 and KIKU, Yoshio and 菅原, 和恵 and SUGAWARA, Kazue and HIROSE, Aya and ENDO-HIROSE, Aya and 遠藤, 亜矢 and 甲斐, 千暁 and KAI, Chiaki and 林, 智人 and HAYASHI, Tomohito}, journal = {BMC Veterinary Research, BMC Veterinary Research}, month = {Aug}, title = {Staphylococcus aureus-specific IgA antibody in milk suppresses the multiplication of S. aureus in infected bovine udder}, volume = {15}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ナガサワ, ユウヤ and キク, ヨシオ and スガワラ, カズエ and エンドウ, アヤ and カイ, チアキ and ハヤシ, トモヒト} }