@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00004892, author = {石川, 葉子 and ISHIKAWA, Shoko and 境垣内, 岳雄 and SAKAIGAICHI, Takeo and 服部, 太一朗 and HATTORI, Taiichiro and 上床, 修弘 and UWATOKO, Naohiro and 我有, 満 and GAU, Mitsuru and 松岡, 伸之 and MATSUOKA, Nobuyuki}, journal = {植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書, Annual report on exploration and introduction of plant genetic resources}, month = {Mar}, note = {Exploration for collecting sugarcane wild species, Saccharum spontaneum L., in coastal regions of Western Chiba Prefecture, was carried out on 13-14 September in 2010. During this exploration, seven accessions were collected mainly from roadside bush, riverbank and seaside.}, pages = {61--67}, title = {千葉県内房におけるサトウキビ野生種の探索と収集}, volume = {27}, year = {2012}, yomi = {イシカワ, ショウコ and サカイガイチ, タケオ and ハットリ, タイイチロウ and ウワトコ, ナオヒロ and ガウ, ミツル and マツオカ, ノブユキ} }