@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00004814, author = {池谷, 祐幸 and IKETANI, Hiroyuki and 間瀬, 誠子 and MASE, Nobuko}, journal = {植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書, Annual report on exploration and introduction of plant genetic resources}, month = {Nov}, note = {Wild genetic resources from indigenous populations of Malus baccata var. mandshurica and M. toringo in Tochigi Prefecture were examined and collected. A total of 8 accessions of genetics resources including 4 from M. baccata var. mandshurica and 4 from M. toringo were collected. Materials for population analysis were also collected from two localities. In addition, a local old tree of Pyrus pyriofolia was collected., 栃木県においてリンゴ属とナシ属の果樹野生遺伝資源の探索・収集を行い,日光市中禅寺湖畔の千手ヶ浜,古薙及び戦場ヶ原においてエゾノコリンゴ4点とズミ4点を採集した.また日光市小百小学校でナシ1点を収集した.この他にズミとエゾノコリンゴについて集団遺伝学解析のための資料収集を行った.}, pages = {61--69}, title = {Exploration and Collection of Malus and Pyrus Genetics Resources in Tochigi Prefecture}, volume = {25}, year = {2009}, yomi = {イケタニ, ヒロユキ and マセ, ノブコ} }