@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00004770, author = {小舘, 琢磨 and KODATE, Takuma and 田中, 大介 and TANAKA, Daisuke}, journal = {植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書, Annual report on exploration and introduction of plant genetic resources}, month = {Nov}, note = {An exploration mission was undertaken in Kuji region of northeast Iwate Prefecture from October 14 to 15 in 2006. The region is a probable area for conserving millet landraces by farmers because in summertime the region is periodically shrouded in cold wet wind called yamase , which sometimes damage to crop production by low temperature and decreasing daylight hours. A total of 13 seed samples including 5 species were collected during the exploration. Seed samples collected include 2 of foxtail millet (Setaria italica), 6 of common millet (Panicum miliaceum), 2 of Japanese millet (Echinochloa utilis), 2 of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), 1 of perilla (Perilla frutescens). The millets are mainly cooked with nonwaxy rice as admixtures of boiled rice, and cakes were made from the foxtail millets, the Japanese millets and the sorghums, respectively. The exploration clarified that Kuji region was in process of losing millet landraces and traditional foodways.}, pages = {33--39}, title = {岩手県北東部の久慈地域における作物在来種の調査と収集}, volume = {24}, year = {2008}, yomi = {コダテ, タクマ and タナカ, ダイスケ} }