@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00004713, author = {境垣内, 岳雄 and SAKAIGAICHI, Takeo and 福原, 誠司 and FUKUHARA, Seiji and 久保, 光正 and KUBO, Mitsumasa and 松岡, 誠 and MATSUOKA, Makoto and 伊禮, 信 and IREI, Shin and 寺島, 義文 and TERAJIMA, Yoshifumi}, journal = {植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書, 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書}, month = {Nov}, note = {The exploration for collecting sugarcane wild species (Saccharum spontaneum) in Atsumi Peninsula, Aichi Prefecture and Ise-Shima region, Mie Prefecture was carried out on August 21 to 25 in 2006. During this exploration, six accessions were collected in Atsumi Peninsula, five of them were located in the base of the peninsula. We also explored along the coastline of Ise-Shima region, but we could not observe any plants of sugarcane wild species in this region.}, pages = {37--43}, title = {愛知県渥美半島および三重県伊勢志摩地域におけるサトウキビ野生種の探索・収集}, volume = {23}, year = {2007}, yomi = {サカイガイチ, タケオ and フクハラ, セイジ and クボ, ミツマサ and マツオカ, マコト and イレイ, シン and テラジマ, ヨシフミ} }