@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00004282, author = {廣瀬, 裕一 and HIROSE, Yuichi and 竹村, 武士 and TAKEMURA, Takeshi and 尾島, 一史 and OJIMA, Kazushi and 楠本, 良延 and KUSUMOTO, Yoshinobu}, issue = {11}, journal = {水土の知 : 農業農村工学会誌, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering}, month = {Nov}, pages = {7(985)--10(988)}, title = {中山間地域の伝統的な農業システムを保全する意義}, volume = {86}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ヒロセ, ユウイチ and タケムラ, タケシ and オジマ, カズシ and クスモト, ヨシノブ} }