@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00000042, author = {岩崎, 泰永 and IWASAKI, Yasunaga and 梅田, 大樹 and UMEDA, Hiroki and 大石, 真実 and SUZUKI, Mami and 鈴木, 真実}, issue = {1}, journal = {農研機構研究報告 野菜花き研究部門, Bulletin of the NARO, Vegetable and Floriculture Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {The use of environmental control systems in greenhouse horticulture is essential to increase dry matter production and fruit yield.This study assessed the effect of different combinations of CO2 concentration given over varying application periods,and temperature and relative humidity(RH)control on the dry matter production and distribution to the fruits of tomatoes grown in a greenhouse during winter(December-April).Compared with the control(no CO2 supplementation)and the conventional environmental control method(2000 ppm CO2 supplementation from 06:00 to 12:00),the longer period of CO2 application at lower concentration(800 ppm) combined with RH control led to an increase in the total dry matter production of 3-month-old tomato plants. The results indicated that CO2 supplementation is more effective for increasing dry matter distribution to the fruits at higher greenhouse temperatures.They also indicated that ventilation early in the morning to prevent dew formation on leaves and fruits does not decrease dry matter production., 本実験では,CO2濃度,気温および湿度制御が異なる環境管理様式がトマトの乾物重と果実分配率に及ぼす影響を小型ハウスを用いて調べた.その結果,CO2施用は日の出~換気開始までの高濃度施用よりも,低濃度長時間施用に加湿制御を組み合わせて行ったほうが乾物重増加に対する効果が高いことが示唆された.また,CO2施用によって増加した光合成産物を果実へ分配させるためには高めの気温管理が有効である可能性が明らかとなった.さらに,作物体の結露を防ぎ,病害の発生を抑えるために,午前中に換気を行っても,乾物生産に及ぼす影響は少ないことも明らかとなった.}, pages = {73--78}, title = {CO2 濃度,気温および湿度制御が異なる環境管理様式が トマトの乾物生産および分配に及ぼす影響}, year = {2017}, yomi = {イワサキ, ヤスナガ and ウメダ, ヒロキ and スズキ, マミ} }