@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00003816, author = {眞田, 康治 and SANADA, Yasuharu and 田瀬, 和浩 and TASE, Kazuhiro and 田村, 健一 and TAMURA, Ken-ichi and 山田, 敏彦 and YAMADA, Toshihiko and 髙井, 智之 and TAKAI, Tomoyuki and 谷津, 秀樹 and YATSU, Hideki and 横山, 寛 and YOKOYAMA, Kan and 高山, 光男 and TAKAYAMA, Mitsuo and 佐藤, 駿介 and SATO, Syunsuke}, journal = {農研機構研究報告, Journal of the NARO Research and Development}, month = {Jul}, note = {‘Esajiman’, a new cultivar of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.), was developed by Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center, NARO, in collaboration with Snow Brand Seed Co., Ltd. ‘Esajiman’ was developed by between- and within-family selection using 9 breeding families and 22 individuals. The heading date of ‘Esajiman’ was 2 June and was a medium late maturity as well as ‘Harujiman.’ The total dry matter yield across three years in regional performance testing in ten locations averaged 4% higher than that of ‘Harujiman’. The dry matter yield of ‘Esajiman’ in mixed sowing with forage legumes was almost the same as that of ‘Harujiman’ and yields under frequent cutting and under dual-purpose cutting were slightly higher than those of ‘Harujiman’. The seed yield of ‘Esajiman’ was the same as that of ‘Harujiman’ in Oregon, USA, which is commercial seed production place, but less than that of ‘Harujiman’ in Sapporo. The water-soluble carbohydrate content was 3 percentage points higher than that of ‘Harujiman’ across three years and four locations. Its acid detergent fiber and neutral detergent fiber contents were lower than those of ‘Harujiman’. The estimated total digestible nutrient content of ‘Esajiman’ was 2 percentage points higher than that of ‘Harujiman’, and its total digestible nutrient yield was 9% higher. The value of fermentation quality of ‘Esajiman’silage, measured as the V-score, was higher than that of ‘Harujiman’ silage. Its winter hardiness was slightly better than that of ‘Harujiman’. ‘Esajiman’ was more resistant to leaf streak caused by Cercosporidium graminis than ‘Harujiman’. Herbage intake of ‘Esajiman’ by grazing cattle was higher than that of ‘Harujiman’., オーチャードグラス「えさじまん」は,農研機構北海道農業研究センターと雪印種苗株式会社が共同育成した.「えさじまん」は,母系間および母系内選抜法で育成され,9母系22個体で構成される.出穂始日は,「ハルジマン」と同日の6月2日で,早晩性は「中生の晩」である.地域適応性検定試験における3か年合計乾物収量は,全場所平均で「ハルジマン」比104%でやや多収である.マメ科牧草との混播における乾物収量は「ハルジマン」並みである.多回刈および採草放牧兼用では,「ハルジマン」よりやや多収である.採種量は,育成地では「ハルジマン」より少ないが,採種地のアメリカ合衆国では「ハルジマン」並みである.水溶性炭水化物含量は,場所および年間をとおして「ハルジマン」より約3ポイント高い.繊維成分含量は,「ハルジマン」より低い.推定TDN含量は,「ハルジマン」より約2ポイント高く,TDN収量は「ハルジマン」比109%である.サイレージ発酵品質は,Vスコアが「ハルジマン」より高い.越冬性は,「ハルジマン」よりやや優れる.すじ葉枯病罹病程度は,「ハルジマン」より低い.放牧における採食量は「ハルジマン」より多い.}, pages = {17--40}, title = {オーチャードグラス新品種「えさじまん」の育成とその特性}, volume = {4}, year = {2020}, yomi = {サナダ, ヤスハル and タセ, カズヒロ and タムラ, ケンイチ and ヤマダ, トシヒコ and タカイ, トモユキ and ヤツ, ヒデキ and ヨコヤマ, カン and タカヤマ, ミツオ and サトウ, シュンスケ} }