@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00003598, author = {吉永, 悟志 and YOSHINAGA, Satoshi and 平内, 央紀 and HEINAI, Hironori and 大角, 壮弘 and OSUMI, Akihiro and 古畑, 昌巳 and FURUHATA, Masami and 石丸, 努 and ISHIMARU, Tsutomu}, issue = {3}, journal = {Plant Production Science, Plant Production Science}, month = {Apr}, pages = {186--192}, title = {Characteristics of growth and quality, and factors contributing to high yield in newly developed rice variety ‘Akidawara’}, volume = {21}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ヨシナガ, サトシ and ヘイナイ, ヒロノリ and オオスミ, アキヒロ and フルハタ, マサミ and イシマル, ツトム} }