@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00003587, author = {牧, 夏海 and OKAMURA, Natsumi and 岡村, 夏海 and MAKI, Natsumi and 安本, 知子 and YASUMOTO, Satoko and 小島, 誠 and KOJIMA, Makoto and 岡村, 昌樹 and OKAMURA, Masaki and 大下, 泰生 and OSHITA, Yasuo}, issue = {3}, journal = {Plant Production Science, Plant Production Science}, month = {Jul}, pages = {278--285}, title = {Establishment rate of direct-seeded rice in the relay-intercropping system in Kanto region of Japan}, volume = {21}, year = {2018}, yomi = {マキ, ナツミ and オカムラ, ナツミ and ヤスモト, サトコ and コジマ, マコト and オカムラ, マサキ and オオシタ, ヤスオ} }