@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00003582, author = {内田, 裕子 and UCHIDA, Yuko and 峯, 淳貴 and MINE, Jumki and 竹前, 喜洋 and TAKEMAE, Nobuhiro and 谷川, 太一朗 and TANIKAWA, Taichiro and 常國, 良太 and TSUNEKUNI, Ryota and 西藤, 岳彦 and SAITO, Takehiko}, issue = {3}, journal = {Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, Transboundary and Emerging Diseases}, month = {Feb}, pages = {1227--1251}, title = {Comparative pathogenicity of H5N6 subtype highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in chicken, Pekin duck and Muscovy duck}, volume = {66}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ウチダ, ユウコ and ミネ, ジュンキ and タケマエ, ノブヒロ and タニカワ, タイチロウ and ツネクニ, リョウタ and サイトウ, タケヒコ} }