@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00003365, author = {FUJITA, Naoaki and 藤田, 直聡 and 辻, 博之 and TSUJI, Hiroyuki and 有岡, 敏也 and ARIOKA, Toshiya}, journal = {農研機構研究報告, Journal of the NARO Research and Development}, month = {Mar}, note = {Crop Cultivate Farm in Hokkaido (except for paddies) have continued to their enlarge crop areas since 1960, particularly those for wheat. However, areas used to grow sugar beet have decreased. A lack of labor is currently a serious issue. Therefore, crop rotation may be reduced, resulting in crop damage due to diseases and insects, decreasing farm income. Some researchers and technical experts have developed a “large 6 rows harvester” and “6 rows robot seedling planter” for sugar beet as a new technology that can enable crop rotation and increase farm income. Here, we compared operation costs between this new technology and current methods and determined the necessary crop area to operate the new technology. We found that for fields larger than 120 ha, the operational cost of the large 6 row harvester was lower than that of current methods. If the 6 row robot seedling planter can plant 1 ha in 2 h, it is 35–60, 70–120, and larger than 140 ha, the operational cost of the new planter will be lower than that of current planters. If this new planter can plant 1 ha per 2.5 h, planting only 35–45 ha will decrease operational costs compared to that of the current planter. Further, about a part of field which farm cannot plant seedling because of lack of capacity of this new planter, farm plant directly it with seed instead of seedling. We found 2 follows. A crop area of 120 ha is needed to make the new technology cost-effective for sugar beets. The new seedling planter enables farms or organizations to appropriately plan the cultivation of sugar beet if it can plant 2.0h in 1ha., 現在,北海道の畑作では,規模拡大が進む一方で,転作の作付面積が減少し,小麦の過作等,輪作の崩れによる経営の悪化が懸念されている.その大きな要因の一つとして,高齢化等を含む労働力不足が挙げられる.本研究では,こうした傾向に歯止めをかけ,輪作の維持を図るために,高効率大型6畦狭畦収穫機,ロボット6畦狭畦用短紙筒移植機を開発している. これらの開発中の作業機について,導入に必要とする作業面積について,従来の作業体系における稼働費用との比較より検討した.その結果,高効率大型6畦狭畦収穫機の稼働費用は,従来の1畦収穫機のものを下回る作業面積は120ha,ロボット6畦狭畦用短紙筒移植機の稼働費用が,従来の全自動4畦移植機のものを下回る作業面積は,1ha当たり2.0時間の場合は,3.5~60ha,70~120ha,140ha以上であることが明らかになった.すなわち,新技術の導入が可能となる作業面積について,移植機の作業効率が1ha当たり2.0時間まで上昇すれば,作業者の調達の可否次第で,移植,直播の組み合わせについて,様々な選択肢が可能となることが理解できる.}, pages = {9--17}, title = {稼働費用の比較から見たてん菜新技術の導入に必要な作業面積-ロボット6畦狭畦用短紙筒移植機および高効率大型6畦狭畦収穫機を対象に-}, volume = {3}, year = {2020}, yomi = {フジタ, ナオアキ and ツジ, ヒロユキ and アリオカ, トシヤ} }