@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00003335, author = {小木曽-田中 , 映理 and OGISO-TANAKA, Eri and 小木曽, 映里 and 竹内, 徹 and TAKEUCHI, Toru and 山下, 陽子 and YAMASHITA, Yoko and 黒崎, 英樹 and KUROSAKI, Hideki and TAGUCHI-SHIOBARA, Fumio and TAGUCHI, Fumio and 田口, 文緒 and 羽鹿, 牧太 and HAJIKA, Makita}, journal = {農研機構研究報告, Journal of the NARO Research and Development}, month = {Dec}, note = {Suzumaru R was developed by introducing three resistant genes against soybean cyst nematode, namely, rhg1, rhg2, and Rhg4 into Suzumaru by backcrossing six times and marker-assisted selection. In the present study, we performed whole genome resequencing of the soybean varieties Suzumaru and Suzumaru R and compared the sequence for isogeneity confi rmation of the genetic backgrounds of the varieties. At the genome level, Suzumaru and Suzumaru R were found to have the same genetic ackground, using a sliding window analysis, except for three fragments, each of which contained rhg1, rhg2, or Rhg4, and a 3.6-Mb fragment at the end of chromosome 5. In the breeding process, the end of chromosome 5 was intentionally selected for soybean dwarf virus resistance (Rsdv1) from the donor parent in the BC6F1 to BC6F4 generation. However, plants having Rsdv1 showed unfavorable traits, and therefore, plants that did not have Rsdv1 were selected eventually. This small fragment on chromosome 5 might be a remnant region. Thus, whole-genome re-sequencing can be a powerful tool for in-depth analyses of the difference between two varieties. Applying this technology to backcross breeding would enable “precision breeding.” センチュウ抵抗性ダイズ品種「スズマル R」と反復親の「スズマル」の遺伝的背景の同質性確認のため,全ゲノムリシーケンスを行い,塩基配列を比較した.その結果,「スズマル R」に残存する「スズマル」以外のゲノム断片は,シストセンチュウ抵抗性遺伝子を含む 3 箇所と,第 5 染色体末端の 3.6 Mb の小さな断片のみであることがわかった.第5染色体の断片は,当初導入が試みられていたダイズわい化病抵抗性遺伝子(Rsdv1)領域に近接していた.この断片は,選抜の最終段階で不良形質発現のため Rsdv1 を「スズマル」型に戻した際に近隣領域に残った導入断片であると考えられた.本研究により,全ゲノムシーケンスによる配列比較により「スズマル」と「スズマル R」の遺伝的背景の高い同質性を明らかにした.全ゲノムリシーケンス解析は,遺伝的背景を詳細に比較可能にする強力なツールであり,DNAマーカーでは検出が困難な小さな導入断片まで特定することで,より精密なピンポイント育種に貢献できると考えられる.}, pages = {57--62}, title = {ゲノムから見た「スズマル」と「スズマル R」の同質性}, volume = {2}, year = {2019}, yomi = {オギソ-タナカ, エリ and オギソ, エリ and タケウチ, トオル and ヤマシタ, ヨウコ and クロサキ, ヒデキ and タグチ, フミオ and ハジカ, マキタ} }