@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00003334, author = {吉田, みどり and YOSHIDA, Midori and 嘉見, 大助 and KAMI, Daisuke and 杉山, 慶太 and SUGIYAMA, Keita}, journal = {農研機構研究報告, Journal of the NARO Research and Development}, month = {Dec}, note = {The supply of squash (Cucurbita maxima Duchesne ex Lam.) in Japan mostly depends on overseas imports from winter to spring. Cultivars with a high degree of storability are needed for the off-crop season in Japan. Since there has been little physiological analysis of the fruit with focus on varietal differences in storability, we analyzed the sugar metabolism of squash fruit during storage to establish selection indicators of storability. Squash cultivars with different degrees of storability were cultivated in Sapporo in 3 seasons (2016-18), and fruits were stored at 10°C. Starch contents of ‘Hakushaku’ and ‘Oitokekuritan’, which are regarded as cultivars with superior storability, were higher than those of other cultivars. The rates of dry matter of the cultivars were ranked in the order of starch contents of the cultivars and were highly correlated with the total values of starch and soluble sugar contents. A decrease in starch content and an increase in soluble sugar content were observed in all of the cultivars except ‘Colinky’ during storage. The contents of sucrose in ‘Hakushaku’ and ‘Oitokekuritan’ rapidly increased during the first 30 days of storage and became higher than those of other cultivars during storage. The contents of glucose in those two cultivars were lower than those in ‘Ebisu’ during storage. Similar results were obtained for ‘Yukigesho’, which showed a high starch content in 2018. Before storage, the glucose contents and total soluble sugar contents in ‘Hakushaku’, ‘Oitokekuritan’ and ‘Yukigesho’ were low. セイヨウカボチャ(Cucurbita maxima)においては,冬から春までの端境期に出荷できる高貯蔵性品種の育成が求められている.本研究はカボチャ果実の糖代謝の特徴から貯蔵性選抜指標を見出すことを目的に,貯蔵性の異なる品種を3年間供試し,10 ℃貯蔵中の果実の乾物率,デンプンおよび可溶性糖含量を分析した.試験年を通して,長期貯蔵品種の‘ 白爵 ’と‘ おいとけ栗たん ’は,貯蔵中のデンプン含量が高かった.乾物率は収穫年の貯蔵中のデンプン含量の順に値が高かった.生食用の‘ コリンキー ’を除いた品種は貯蔵中にデンプン含量が急速に減少し,可溶性糖含量が急増したが,乾物率の変化はそれに比較して少なかった.‘ 白爵 ’と‘ おいとけ栗たん ’は貯蔵初期にスクロース含量が急増し,標準品種の‘ えびす ’に比較して貯蔵中のスクロース含量は高く推移したが,グルコース含量は低いレベルで増加した.同様の結果は,2018 年にデンプン含量の高かった‘ 雪化粧 ’にも見られた.‘ 白爵 ’,‘ おいとけ栗たん ’,‘ 雪化粧 ’の貯蔵前のグルコースと総可溶性糖含量は低い値を示し,この傾向は高貯蔵性品種の選抜指標として利用可能であることが示された.}, pages = {45--55}, title = {貯蔵性の異なるセイヨウカボチャ品種の貯蔵中の果実のデンプン含量と可溶性糖含量の解析}, volume = {2}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ヨシダ, ミドリ and カミ, ダイスケ and スギヤマ, ケイタ} }