@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00003158, author = {宮澤, 光太郎 and MIYAZAWA, Kohtaro and 舛甚, 賢太郎 and MASUJIN, Kentaro and 岡田, 洋之 and OKADA, Hiroyuki and 松浦, 裕一 and MATSUURA, Yuichi and 横山, 隆 and YOKOYAMA, Takashi}, issue = {6}, journal = {PLoS ONE, PLoS ONE}, month = {Jun}, title = {Selective propagation of mouse-passaged scrapie prions with long incubation period from a mixed prion population using GT1-7 cells}, volume = {12}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ミヤザワ, コウタロウ and マスジン, ケンタロウ and オカダ, ヒロユキ and マツウラ, 裕一 and ヨコヤマ, タカシ} }