@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00003136, author = {高田, 裕介 and TAKATA, Yusuke and 神山, 和則 and KOHYAMA, Kazunori and 小原, 洋 and OBARA, Hiroshi and 前島, 勇治 and MAEJIMA, Yuji and 石塚, 直樹 and ISHITSUKA, Naoki and 齋藤, 隆 and SAITO, Takashi and 谷山, 一郎 and TANIYAMA, Ichiro}, journal = {農業環境技術研究所報告, Bulletin of National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {Due to the accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station by Tokyo Electric Power Company (FDNPS), the radioactive cesium (Cs) released into the environment. To determine the distribution pattern of the Cs contamination level in agricultural land, we carried out soil survey at 3461 points in East Japan. We measured radioactive Cs concentration in soil using a germanium semiconductor detector, and it was calculated in Bq of dry soil per 1kg (reference date: 5 November 2011). Soil Cs concentration was ranged from the detection limitation to 203,095 Bq/kg, and there was high contamination level in evacuation directive zone. And, soil Cs concentration had a positive correlation with the radiation dose (R^2=0.89, sample number 2199). This linear correlation was affected to some extent by soil surface condition, soil groups and land use type. The linear regression analysis was conducted by each land surface condition, soil type and land use type. We delineated soil Cs concentration map using regression-kriging method that combines regression equations with the ordinar y kriging of the regression residuals. The total radioactive Cs concentration in soil was highest in the 20-km evacuation zone surrounding FDNPS, and it tended to be higher in north-west direction from FDNPS than in other direction. Above the contamination level 2 (more than 5,000 Bq/kg) covered about 8,900 ha in Fukushima prefecture, and it mainly distributed in evacuation directive zone.}, pages = {53--61}, title = {東日本の農地表層土壌中の放射性セシウム濃度分布図の作成}, volume = {34}, year = {2015}, yomi = {タカタ, ユウスケ and コウヤマ, カズノリ and オバラ, ヒロシ and マエジマ, ユウジ and イシツカ, ナオキ and サイトウ, タカシ and タニヤマ, イチロウ} }