@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00003107, author = {荒尾, 知人 and ARAO, Tomohito and 加藤, 英孝 and KATO, Hidetaka and 牧野, 知之 and MAKINO, Tomoyuki and 赤羽, 幾子 and AKAHANE, Ikuko and 鈴木, 克拓 and SUZUKI, Katsuhiro and 天知, 誠吾 and AMACHI, Seigo and 山口, 紀子 and YAMAGUCHI, Noriko and 高橋, 嘉夫 and TAKAHASHI, Yoshio and 石川, 覚 and ISHIKAWA, Satoru and KAWASAKI, Akira and 川﨑, 晃 and 川崎, 晃 and 松本, 真悟 and MATSUMOTO, Shingo and 前島, 勇治 and MAEJIMA, Yuji and 村上, 政治 and MURAKAMI, Masaharu and 門倉, 雅史 and KADOKURA, Masashi and 堀田, 博 and HORITA, Hiroshi}, journal = {農業環境技術研究所報告, Bulletin of National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {Arsenic (As) is considered one of the most important toxic elements found in the environment because of its potential risk to human health. Food is a potentially important source of dietary As intake. Rice(Oryza sativa) accumulates the highest amount of As of all grain crops, largely because of the high plant availability of As under reduced soil conditions. Rice is one of the major staple food crops in the world, with daily intake up to 0.5 kg per caput in Asian countries and 0.17 kg in Japan(2002). Consequently, rice is a potentially major source of dietary As for much of the world's population. A recent market-basket survey in Japan showed that rice contained As concentrations(0.16 mg kg^<-1>, n=199). The objectives of this study were to review the recent studies of As in paddy rice. This work was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (Research project for ensuring food safety from farm to table AC -1100).}, pages = {91--103}, title = {水田土壌及び水稲における化学形態別ヒ素の動態に関する最近の研究動向 (総説)}, volume = {26}, year = {2009}, yomi = {アラオ, トモヒト and カトウ, ヒデタカ and マキノ, トモユキ and アカハネ, イクコ and スズキ, カツヒロ and アマチ, セイゴ and ヤマグチ, ノリコ and タカハシ, ヨシオ and イシカワ, サトル and カワサキ, アキラ and マツモト, シンゴ and マエジマ, ユウジ and ムラカミ, マサハル and カドクラ, マサシ and ホリタ, ヒロシ} }