@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00000031, author = {高橋, 幹 and TAKAHASHI, Motoki and 大木, 信彦 and OKI, Nobuhiko and 髙橋, 将一 and TAKAHASHI, Masakazu and 小松, 邦彦 and KOMATSU, Kunihiko and 中澤, 芳則 and NAKAZAWA, Yoshinori and 松永, 亮一 and MATSUNAGA, Ryoichi}, issue = {66}, journal = {農研機構研究報告 九州沖縄農業研究センター, Bulletin of the NARO, Agricultural Research for Kyushu Okinawa Region}, month = {Mar}, note = {「フクミノリ」は 農研機構九州沖縄農業研究センター(旧九州農業試験場)において,作付面積全国一の品種「フクユタカ」に,重要食葉性害虫であるハスモンヨトウ抵抗性を付与した品種の育成を目標として,「フクユタカ」を母,ハスモンヨトウ抵抗性の飼料用品種「ヒメシラズ」を父として2000 年に人工交配し,その後,「フクユタカ」を母として5回連続戻し交配を行って育成した黄ダイズ品種である。2010 年に品種登録出願し,2012 年に登録された。「フクミノリ」は,ハスモンヨトウ抵抗性に関するDNA マーカーを選抜過程で利用しており,わが国のダイズ品種としては初めて,マーカー選抜で育成された品種のひとつである。「フクミノリ」は形態,成熟期,収量性等の栽培特性が「フクユタカ」とほぼ同等である。子実の大きさは「フクユタカ」より若干小さいが,「フクユタカ」と同じ“やや大”に分類され,外観品質,粗蛋白質含有率等の品質特性,豆腐・納豆の加工適性も「フクユタカ」とほぼ同等である。ハスモンヨトウ抵抗性については,抗生性,非選好性,幼虫の圃場生息密度の試験結果から判断して,抵抗性“中”であり,抵抗性“弱”の「フクユタカ」より強化されている。「フクミノリ」には,ハスモンヨトウ被害の低減によるダイズ生産の安定性向上,農薬散布の削減による省力化・低コスト化等が期待される。栽培適地は暖地および温暖地の「フクユタカ」普及地帯である。, "Fukuminori" was developed by the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center. It was released in 2010 as a common cutworm (Spodoptera litura Fabricius) resistant backcross version of the cultivar "Fukuyutaka," which is the leading cultivar in Japan. Fukuminori was developed using Fukuyutaka as the recurrent parent and forage soybean cultivar "Himeshirazu" as the donor parent resistant to common cutworm. The initial cross was made in 2000, and five backcrosses were made. Previously, the authors detected two quantitative trait loci( QTLs) for antibiosis resistance to common cutworm, CCW-1 and CCW-2. These QTLs were used for selection of backcrosses. Fukuminori is one of Japan's first soybean cultivars developed using DNA marker-assisted selection. Fukuminori is a late-maturing cultivar with determinate growth, pointed ovate leaflets, purple flowers, grey pubescence, and light-brown pod shells at maturity. These characteristics are the same as Fukuyutaka. Seed characteristics including yield and protein and oil contents are almost the same as Fukuyutaka, while seed size is a little smaller than that of Fukuyutaka. Fukuminori is also suitable for tofu and natto processing as with Fukuyutaka. The resistance of Fukuminori to common cutworm is "medium" in the aspects of antibiosis resistance, antixenosis resistance, and habitat density of the larvae in fields, while that of Fukuyutaka is "susceptible". Fukuminori is well adapted for cultivation in the western region of Japan where Fukuyutaka has spread.}, pages = {21--45}, title = {「フクユタカ」のハスモンヨトウ抵抗性を強化したダイズ品種「フクミノリ」の育成}, year = {2017}, yomi = {タカハシ, モトキ and オオキ, ノブヒコ and タカハシ, マサカズ and コマツ, クニヒコ and ナカザワ, ヨシノリ and マツナガ, リョウイチ} }