@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00003083, author = {川崎, 晋 and KAWASAKI, Susumu and 持田, 麻里 and MOCHIDA, Mari and 齋藤, 美枝 and SAITO, Mie and 守山, 隆敏 and MORIYAMA, Takatoshi}, journal = {食品総合研究所研究報告, Report of National Food Research Institute}, month = {Mar}, note = {The culture methods (ISO 11202-1) were compared to 3M Molecular detection system (MDS) for Listeria monocytogenes from enrichment cultures of various types of artificially inoculated ready to eat (RTE) foods. The MDS assay was evaluated in 12 types of spiked samples, including meat, fish, sprouts, and dairy products for L. monocytogenes. The MDS assay also evaluated in inoculate ground beef samples. Beef samples contamination levels is 0.66 most probable number (MPN)/g were used for recovery study. Twenty test portions (5g) of the contaminated beef were pre-enriched, and MDS assay and the culture method (ISO 11290-1) was used thereafter. An excellent agreement was obtained for the results of MDS assay and culture method, which suggests that the MDS assay is a reliable and useful method for rapid screening of L. monocytogenes contamination., L. monocytogenes を様々な Ready to eat 食品に接種した検体を用いて, 培養法と 3M Molecular detection system による検出結果を比較した. 肉, 魚, モヤシ, 乳製品など12種類について検出評価試験を実施した. また, 牛挽肉を用いた MDS の検出評価試験も実施した. 牛挽肉の実験では接種菌数を 0.66 MPN/gとし, 添加回収試験を実施した. 各 20検体 ( 5 g) の牛挽肉を前培養し, それぞれ MDS法および ISO11202-1による培養法により検出した. 上記いずれも, MDS法による検出結果は通常の培養法の結果と一致し, MDS法は食品中の L. monocytogenes 汚染の迅速スクリーニング法として有用であると考えられた.}, pages = {9--15}, title = {3M^ Molecular Detection System を用いたListeria monocytogenes の簡易迅速遺伝子検査法の評価}, volume = {80}, year = {2016}, yomi = {カワサキ, ススム and モチダ, マリ and サイトウ, ミエ and モリヤマ, タカトシ} }