@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002953, author = {島川, 悠太 and SHIMAKAWA, Yuta and 杉山, 純一 and SUGIYAMA, Jumichi and 蔦, 瑞樹 and TSUTA, Mizuki and 河合, 幹裕 and KAWAI, Mikihiro and 福永, 美穂 and FUKUNAGA, Miho}, journal = {食品総合研究所研究報告, Report of National Food Research Institute}, month = {Mar}, note = {Confronting the spread of consumers’anxiety on the food safety, many of the farm producers have tried to recover the credibility by providing the credibility information of their produces. Does the information change the consumers’buying behavior, and promote the sales of the agricultural produces ? Through the sales experiment in a farmers market in Ibaraki prefecture, the relation between the sales data of agricultural produces and its credibility information was investigated. The analysis found no significant differences in the sales data depending on the presence or absence of the credibility information, with one exception: the sales data was increased when it had been sold with information concerning the reduction of agro-chemical use. It can be presumed that the information about reducing agro-chemicals had impact on the consumers buying behavior., 本実験では, 農産物直売所において販売実験を行い, 農産物の安心に関わる情報を記載した POP の有無による消費者の農産物購買行動の変化を調査した. 複数の商品に対して調査を行った結果, 1 商品を除いて, POP の有無によって販売量に有意な差は認められなかった. 有意な差が確認された 1 商品だけは, POP には農薬の使用削減に関連する情報が記載されており, それが消費者の購買行動に影響を与えた可能性がある. 今後, 使用削減情報を POP に記載するという条件を揃えた上で, 品目横断的に安心情報が消費者の購買行動を促すのかを調査していきたい.}, pages = {107--111}, title = {安心情報が消費者の農産物購買行動に及ぼす影響}, volume = {72}, year = {2008}, yomi = {シマカワ, ユウタ and スギヤマ, ジュンイチ and ツタ, ミズキ and カワイ, ミキヒロ and フクナガ, ミホ} }