@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002932, author = {杉山, 純一 and SUGIYAMA, Jumichi and 江原, 正規 and EHARA, Masaki and 河合, 幹裕 and KAWAI, Mikihiro and 島川, 悠太 and SHIMAKAWA, Yuta and 福永, 美穂 and FUKUNAGA, Miho and 蔦, 瑞樹 and TSUTA, Mizuki and 相良, 泰行 and SAGARA, Yasuyuki}, journal = {食品総合研究所研究報告, Report of National Food Research Institute}, month = {Mar}, note = {The network information system for fresh produce (Virtually Identified Produce System: VIPS) in which consumer can browse information about their purchased produce was developed. Web pages are dynamically created by the input of the identification number (ID) which appeared on the label of purchased produce. Farmers input their information, such as harvest date, their name and so on, into the data base by the Web service system. The application of two-way communication among farmers and consumers, questionnaires and bulletin board on the web site were also implemented. In addition, substitutional browsing means like mobile phone is also supported. Analysis of access log on the web server revealed the access frequency based on time, date and area. Responses from consumers and farmers showed that VIPS is useful not only to meet the consumer demands but also to give farmers an incentive., 本実験では, 個体識別番号を利用したインターネットによる農産物情報提供法に対する実験を行った. 名刺大のIDカードを利用したシステムでは, 消費者の農産物情報に対する関心が, 商品の価格帯や購入形態に依存しないことが確認された. また, 既存の流通経路を利用した販売では得られることの出来なかった消費者の反応を, インターネットを利用し生産者が直接手にすることが可能になることや, 生産者の情報が確認できることにより消費者の安心感を高めることが出来るなどの効果が確認された.}, pages = {85--89}, title = {西洋ナシを用いた農産物ネット認証システム (VIPS) 実証実験}, volume = {71}, year = {2007}, yomi = {スギヤマ, ジュンイチ and エハラ, マサキ and カワイ, ミキヒロ and シマカワ, ユウタ and フクナガ, ミホ and ツタ, ミズキ and サガラ, ヤスユキ} }